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Laura's Pov

So Ross just asked me one of the biggest questions in my life... Asking if I should go on tour with him for the summer, but I really don't know if its the right option, because my music career is small and I feel like no one knows or likes what I have to offer. Yet by accepting his invite, maybe I can be discovered and gain a label deal... Even his label may want to sign with me, but I'm getting getting over my head, I need to focus on the fact that my bestest friend and his amazing family want ME... Yes MEEEEE, the Laura Marano to join them all across the country, lets see! Do I have summer plans.

How about a BIG NO, SPELLS NO! I might as well take the offer... But I should check with my parents, as i was about to call them Ross asked me yet another question. (Remember we are sitting next to each other on the beach)

"So Laur, are you going to join us on tour???? Please say yes, please say yes!" I hear him whisper, lol!

"Well I have to check with my parents and sister, but I don't know"

Ross' Pov

"Well I asked your mom" Laura's mom and dad got transferred to New York to partake in some new classes relating to business, I don't really understand myself but they said yes to the tour thing under one condition, we visit them while in The big apple

"Well want did my parents tell you Ross?"

"Oh they said you can't come"

"Wait what?!?!?!" She replied, Then Laura started to cry so I needed to cut with the teasing... Knowing this broke a tiny part in her.

"Yea, you can't come... Not unless you visit them while in our New York trip, They miss you" I told her while giving her a side hug not thinking that my joke would hurt her, she must really care about the tour, yep, she cares about the tour...

"Well" she said while sniffling a few tears away "I don't think I'm coming Ross" she stated, which got me going

"But Laur, your parents and sister agreed to you coming with me, I need you!"

Laura's Pov

"Im just "teasing you" little Rossy,!Yes I would love to"

And right after Ross heard my response he pulled me in for a long lasting hug, in which I soaked up his amazing scent and the incredible warmth he released onto my skin, I can't believe it, I'm going on tour with my best friend...

I mean friendS....


Heyo! What's up people! Leave comments on whatcha think and other ideas you have... Touring will start soon ;) thanks!


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