#North Dakota and dates

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Aloha! Here's a new update!!! After like a trillion years! Jk...JK not that long but still pretty long... anyways thanks to everyone who reads my stuff you guys make my life a whole lot easier when I'm down! For a refresher you may want to skim the last chapter if you forgot what happened ;)

Ross' Pov

So I just discovered Laura loves me.... The Laura Marano loves me! Me as in Ross Lynch and the weird thing is that I love her too....

----at lunch----

So it's about lunch time around the Lynch RV and we are all hanging out in the living room eating Tacos cause you gotta love Tacos!
We are also playing video games and watching TV... it's really cool that I get to spend time with my family and Laura... wait!?!??

"Where'd Laura go?" I asked panicking

"I don't know" Ryland said uninterested

""She's upstairs, with Delly" Riker said

"Oh thanks" I said beginning to walk upstairs

"Wait Bro, you should give the girls some space" Riker said

"WHy?" I responded

"Because. They are getting their clothes ready for tonight" Riker added

"Tonight?" I questioned

"Yep, member we have that thing... that concert at that high school for their homecoming dance, it's for the wish upon a star foundation and a girl at the high school wished she could see us preform a show and she wanted her friends to be there..."

"OOHhh" I added

"Yea, mom and dad said it would be nice and we only play a couple songs, then we remain at the dance for the rest of the night" Riker said


"Yes, and Ratliff even asked Delly to go as friends and since he asked for my permission first, I told him as friends"

"Oh!?? So we can bring dates?" I asked Riker as the rest of brothers are unaware of this conversation since they are so consumed In video games and tacos.

"Yea we can!" Riker exclaimed

"Well who are you taking?"

"I'm taking a special girl that I asked a while back ago, she actually just landed and we will meet her at the dance... but Ill tell you her name later, I gotta run to pick up the corsages" Riker said

"Ok, but should I ask you know who" I said winking

"Oh Laura, I mean you guys are just friends" he replied, then shrugged and left...

If only he knew... if only he knew

-------upstairs with Delly and Laura----

Laura's Pov

"Sooooo, Ratliff and you huh?" I asked Delly as we went back and forth looking through dresses and fancy clothes

"Yea, as friends though.... cause if we don't go together it would be strange cause we would be the only two without dates" Delly replied

"No, I don't have anybody"

"Really..." Rydel said smirking as she rubbed her hands together then picked up her phone and texted someone ..... who could she be texting?

"Delly!!?? whatcha doing?"

"Texting someone's one worry about it!"

<<<<Rydel's text to Ross>>>>
From Delly
To Ross
Delly: She doesn't have a date!
Ross: what u talking bout?
Delly: hoco tonight
Ross: what how?
Delly: she told me just now! ask her!
Ross: how?
Delly: idk?
Ross: do I tell her I love her
Delly: wait love?!?! Omg ahhhh
Ross: I meant like...
Delly: sure ya did ;)
Ross: please! what do I do??'
Delly: just come upstairs, I will leave conveniently when you come and And tell her u wanna go as amigos
Ross: thanks sis
Rydel: yep bye!
<<<<<<<<end of text >>>>>>>>>>>>

"Delly! who Are you texting???"

"Don't worry about it, now I got to go, ttyl"

"Um bye?" I said in confusion
Then Ross came upstairs sitting next to me

"Hey " he said

"Hey" I replied

"Look, there's something I need to ask you" Ross said looking at me in the eyes making me go crazy and get lost as I stare at his perfect eyes

"Ok..." I said focused while my breathing began to increase

"Um you know how I, I mean R5 plays at that homecoming, well do you want to go together. Like as friends"

"Yea, that would be fun" I replied quietly

"Cool, pick you up tonight" he said before leaving...

Then I squealed:


"What is it?" Delly said as she ran in the room with a baseball bat

"Ross asked me to dance, we are going together...." I said

"Then lets get you all dolled up ;)" Delly SAid and we began the many phases of getting ready...


Hey guys! here is a little update, its only been two months, which I am so sorry about! please remember to vote and comment!

I will update at 10 votes!

Thanks to all my followers and readers! <3


What color should Ross and Laura wear to Homecoming and what shall her dress look like??

Love you all!


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