The truth: of an Imposter

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//// previously: R5, Taylor, and Laura are in Nashville playing truth or dare. In the penthouse they are in, a girl named Lauren is there. It's the middle of the truth or dare game and Ross and Lauren have been dared to kiss://///////

(Previously) (Laura's POV)

"Ok then" Rocky started... "Let's make this interesting... I dare you to kiss Lauren, on the lips, for at least 20 seconds tops"

"Oh I'm not playing though" I said walking into the living room, sitting on a chair in the corner

"No, we said Lauren" Riker said pointing to the dirty blonde sitting next to Ross

"Oh" I replied

"So you gonna do it?" Ratliff asked intrigued

"Yea, I have to, I hate losing, as long as it's ok with her" Ross said

But thing was it wasn't ok with ME! And I'm pretty important! Ughh

"Yea it's cool" Lauren said shrugging, then they both started leaning in, slowly inching forward...

///// the truth: of an imposter///////

And then his lips landed on hers...

Sure it was only a small peck, lasting just three or so seconds but it seemed like eternity...

These are the kinds of stunts that make me second guess my relationship with Ross.

Again, One moment he is begging for my forgiveness, wanting a relationship but then I tell him I need space and he goes off, kissing another girl... With almost the same name as me!

Am I crazy? It was just a game of truth or dare. I just feel like after I rejected Ross he went and moved on, extremely fast.

I need to leave this tour once and for all...

"Hey taylor, wanna leave with me?" I asked furiously

"Um yea, I think That would be a good idea" she said standing up and walking toward me as we both grabbed our bags headed for the door

"Where you guys going?" Rydel asked

"Home" I replied, walking out of the apartment with Taylor trailing behind as I stepped into the elevator

"You ok?" She spoke softly once the door shut

"Uh hu" I replied nodding my head. "Just tired"

"Me too, wanna go to a hotel, take your mind off things?" she asked

"Yea" I said as we left the building, running towards her car, the both of us getting in.

"It must have hurt, seeing him kiss two other girls right in front of your face... First me and then that annoying chick Lauren" Taylor added, as she pressed the start button on her car and began to drive to the hotel she booked. "You know I am so sorry if it still hurts"

"Tay, I'm fine!" I yelled "But thanks for being here for me" I added softly

"Anytime... Sisters before Misters" she replied jumping over lanes and turning into the grand five star hotel we are staying the night at

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