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Hey what's up!!!!!! Here's a chapter as promised! ;) enjoy!

Laura's Pov

So today Ross and I are going to "The Land of Oz" inspired by "The Wizard of Oz" one of the greatest movies ever... And the first movie in color! We are both really pumped and when Ross asked me last night I just couldn't deny.

"Ready to go Laura?" Ross asked me

"Yea, in one sec."

Then I grabbed my purse and keys and we headed outside to see a carriage to take us the the "land of Oz"

"What? Ross! This is super cool!"

"Yea. I know! I am the best!"

"And don't forget modest to" I added

Then we sat having random conversations in the back of the carriage cab stealing quick glances and occasionally holding hands.

(A/N did any one get it... above?)

"Alright Mr. Lynch, here is the one and only, "Land of Oz" The driver said majestically

"Thanks so much! And here's a tip" Ross said as we exited the carriage and as I stepped down, Ross kindly offered his hand... what a gentleman. When we were walking down the path to the tour ride I has to ask Ross a question...

"Hey Ross, You sure you payed that driver back there a tip?... or his paycheck?" I asked sarcastically

"Hahahhaa, but I knew the guy and right now he is going through tough times and he wouldn't take the money unless I gave him job, so I asked him to do this."

"Awe! That's actually really generous" I said

"I know, I'm a nice guy" Ross said blushing while looking down...

Then we sat and waited for tour...


"Hello! I am your tour guide, my name is Jackey!" The tour guide said and she was dressed up like a munchkin... It was cute and fit the theme well...

"Hi nice to meet you" Ross and I said at the same time. Then we got inside this little roller coaster train ride that took us around the Land Oz

"Hello! Welcome to Kansas" 'Dorothy greeted.. Then we drove around (on the ride) and admired The little farm house while the song somewhere over the rainbow started to play... And then characters started to yell..

"Oh no, it look like a tornado! Ever body in the Cellar"

"No Todo!" Dorothy yelled

The gusts of wind blew at us and the ride went faster and the sky turned grey so we couldn't see. Ross clutched onto my hand and soon enough, we began to spun around. After a minute or so we "landed" on the ground and we in Munchkin village where Glinda the Good and the Munchkins came out to sing. This is so cool...

Then Dorothy asked Glinda how to get to the Emerald city and she said to "Follow the yellow brick road" so then the ride took is through the yellow brick road where the song "Lions and tigers and bears, Oh my!" Played. Soon we picked up a Scarecrow, Tinman and lion and went off to the Emerald city.... when we arrived there we got to see "the Wizard" and everyone in the ride was given a magic piece of paper to write down a wish... on the paper I wrote:

"I wish meet someone who will love and cherish me their entire life, someone to start a relationship with ❤"

Then when I finished I put the paper in my coat pocket... and all I could think of was what Ross had wrote because he finished quickly... maybe I shall ask while we wait for the others on the ride...

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