Missouri or Misery

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Hey guys! I am extremely sorry about not updating in years... (Actually months) and I've been busy but I feel guilty, so here you go! Enjoy!

Ross' Pov

At 8:00 am my alarm beeped in my hotel bedroom waking me up...

As I woke up I noticed I was hugging something... Correction....
Laura to be exact. I squeezing her gently in my arms... And the weirdest part, all she was wearing was a black bra with matching panties and I was only wearing my blue boxers.

As I began to sit up, turning the sound off my phone a horrible pain went straight to my head... Ugh, what happened last night... Why do I feel hungover? I swear I only drank iced tea last night.

And why is this a different hotel room than the one I remember last night?

"I cant remember what I did last night or even yesterday... Why are we still at the hotel? But why is it different?" I whispered to myself as I let go of Laura and slide over, grabbing my phone to turn off its stupid alarm

"Ahhhhhh, good morning" Laura said yawning and stretching her arms out

"Good morning to you to"

"Ugh, it's so cold" she said pulling the blanket over her

"Yea, it is for a summers morning, probably because we're both nearly naked" I said shrugging my shoulders because for me I didn't really care that I was half naked and in bed with Laura, but I knew she would

"What how? What happened?" She said nervously

"I don't recall"

"Are you sure?" She asked opening her big beautiful brown eyes

"Positive, I just remember playing truth or dare with the rest of the band, then we drank something, oh and I remember Kissing"

"We- we- we kissed?" She stuttered 

"Yea, that's all I really remember, the rest is all a blur with this hangover, I just know we both got drunk yesterday thanks to my siblings and I'm going to get revenge"

"But we didn't do any thing else except kiss, right?" She asked scared

"I don't think so Laura, I would have remember that, why are you so scared about it anyways"

"Because both of us are half naked in bed... I'm scared were moving to fast, I don't even know what we are"  she confessed

"What do you mean?"

"Relationship wise"

"Well, it's up to you Laura, whatever you want I want, I already told you how I feel"

"No Ross, it's up to you. Although that was really sweet" she said blushing, "your the guy, your supposed to ask the girl out"

"I have been asking you out... The whole date in a state, don't you recall that?"

"I do" she said sighing

"Listen, I can't decide if you want a relationship, it's not always up to the guy... I have a huge hangover right now and I can't think about this but I do really like you Laura, and I love you as my friend..."

"Thanks but seriously, if I'm bothering you just let me know"

"Wait what? What are you taking about Laur?" I asked sitting up in the bed and grabbing her hands to hold so that we were facing one another

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