Highs schools and homecomings:

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Hey! What's up everyone! I decided to update cause I feel bad since I didn't write for two months... this chapter is the homecoming one! Everyone has dates and Raura is going together !!!!!
Enjoy and spread the word I am back writing! ;) also I didn't know what color Laura's dress should be so I picked rainbow! (It's at the top)... also there is a video/ song to listen to when I say so! lol! so demanding! Any ways enjoy!


Ross Pov

I can't believe Laura said yes! I am going to make tonight an extra special evening... maybe I will even tell how I feel or at least ask her out...

"Hey Ross,what are you wearing?" Riker asked me

"Probably a suit, Delly told me to wear hot pink accents, and she gave me a hot pink tie for some reason?" I responded

"Not for 'some reason Ross'! she's helping you out... so you can match Laura" Riker said

"Ohhh, ok, but who are you taking?"

"You'll have to see! now go get ready" Riker said before leaving the room

Then I put on my suit and did my hair to look neat and put together (a/n he looks like he did in the prom episode)

Laura's Pov

Currently Delly and I are getting ready for the dance and I am really nervous... I just don't know if Ross and I should go together or not... I don't want to ruin the friendship we have plus people will be there and may start Raura rumors... also its going to be weird to be at the homecoming and while r5 performs I will be alone either backstage or alone on the dance floor...

With the nervous also comes excitement though because I love dressing up and always missed school events since I was either practicing music or acting so I finally get to go to a dance! Also I love the dress Delly picked out for me! I couldn't decide a color so I went with a rainbow design and I really like it! right now I'm doing my nails while jammin out to some tunes! Just as I finished painting the silver glitter polish on my pinky finger i heard a knock on the door

"Come in" I said

Then I turned around expecting to see Ross or Delly but to my surprise it wasn't either of them! Thank goodness it wasn't Ross because I'm not ready and I want him to see my completed look. I still have to add makeup and finish curling my hair...
But the person at the door was my sister Vanessa!!!!

"Omg! What are you doing here?!?? I missed you!" I told her while giving her a big hug

"Oh I came for the dance! Riker asked me to go with him and you need me, you know with your guy troubles ;) so here I am!" Vanessa said happily

"This is soooo great! ahhhh!" I yelled

Then Delly joined us

"Hey guys! like your surprise Laura?"

"YYes thanks!" I told my sister and Delly but Rydel is like a sister to me

"Come on, let's get ready!" Vanessa said so we got ready and took a few selfies before receiving a text

Text to Laura
From Ross
Ross: hey! you girls come downstairs and walk outside please, we had to go to the dance to set up but we will met u there... I feel bad that I didn't get to pick u up like a real date! sorry I messed up :,(
Laura: Ross its fine! I understand, ill see u at the dance!
Ross: ok, I just know u always wanted a perfect dance and I think I ruined it
Laura: no u didn't, we will have fun! now I gotta go but don't worry <3

Then I told the girls it's time to leave and Rydel, Vanessa and I all walked downstairs and saw a big white limo outside!

"Awe they got us a limo!" Vanessa said

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