Problems and Parents

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Hey everyone! How are you? Hope your day is going good! Please enjoy this update!
Love you lots!

Song: do you remember
By: Jarryd James

(Sorry for any mistakes - didn't edit yet)

Laura's Pov

"Laurie Bear, time to wake up..."

"Five for minutes"

"No, we have to leave now. We have to get ready to fly back to LA."

"I just wanna sleep here" I replied, cuddling into his chest

"Laur, we have to go home. I've got meetings. I want to stay and cuddle too, but you know we can't"

"Ughhh. Fine" I groaned tiredly, annoyed.

"Well good morning sunshine" he replied with sarcasm

"So what meetings do you have that are interfering with my cuddle time, Mr. Sarcastic?"

"Um, just some business stuff" he shrugged, handing me a sweatshirt to put on.

"Business stuff?" I questioned. "Since when have you done bussiness?"

"Since I announced my solo career" he shrugged

"Wait? You officially announced it? When? Where? How have I missed that?"

"Well not officially, not to social media yet, but to my agents. I'd figure I'd just release a single or two and surprise everyone"

"So who are you meeting with?" I repeated

"I told you, it's business stuff"

"I don't know, it seems sketchy, can't you just tell me?" I begged

"Someone seems jealous" he smirked

"Me?!? Why would I be jealous?"

"I don't know, it seems like you think I'm hanging out with another girl or something?"

"I do not! I just don't want you getting hurt. And I also want to make sure your putting your best foot forward. Going solo is a big deal. I mean, look at one direction, each of them are compared to one another even though they are all solo artists now and they're no longer in a band! That might, actually that will will happen to you"

"I know, but trust me. I was planning on leaving the band way back. I just didn't know how. Then, I did miss preforming with them, but they didn't want me, so I thought to myself: this is the perfect opportunity to start my own career"

"That still didn't answer my question Ross! Who are you meeting with?"

"Just a few talent agents, record labels, all boring meetings, some of which are tonight, that's why we have to get back to LA"

"You sure that's all?" I questioned, a little nervous about who he is actually meeting with.

"Promise Babe" he replied, pecking my lips. "Now get dressed and we'll head out" he stated, walking away.

"Okay" I smiled. Then I got ready and meet with him at the little beach

"Ready to leave?" He smiled as I approached him.

50 dates in 50 states (raura)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora