Boat rides and games

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Hey guys! Again I'm super sorry I haven't been updating recently, but here's another one! Enjoy! Please vote!

Laura's Pov

I have no idea what's running through Ross' head right now or if this whole 'Taylor left her phone in the car and I went and got it and suddenly Ross appears driving me away thing'  was a trap

"Ross, please where are we going?" I asked again clenching to the sides of the passenger seat as he speed, increasing speed on the highway.

"Don't worry" he said, and yet I'm not sure what to think

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked, waiting for a reply and yet nothing came out of his mouth, he just began humming to the radio...
"You do realize it's like 10:45pm" I added. "Taylor and your siblings are probably freaking! We should not be driving off like this!"

"They all already know" he mumbled

"What? So this is planned?"

"Sorta" he shrugged


"Just calm down"

"How can I? I have no idea where the hell in going and I'm stuck in the car with me ex boy- I mean best friend unaware of what's happening in the middle of the night!" I screamed placing my head in lap

"Laur, please relax" he said rubbing my back

"Don't tell me to relax!"

"Well we will be there in an hour or so"

"What? A whole hour, I just wanna go home" I replied,

"When we get there I'm sure you'll love it" Ross said focusing on the road

"Sure" I said sarcastically, angry at myself that I didn't get out of this car before when I had the chance....

I always fall for that stupid, yet cute smile and those dazzling eyes of his!

"We're here" Ross said lightly tapping me as I was dozing off in a sleep

"Oh" I said stretching my arms out and yawning and a second later Ross opened the passenger door assisting me, linking arms with me as he lead me to the dock, leading to the big boat

"What is this?" I asked

"Just a quick dinner" Ross replied leading me to the yacht

"Why?" I asked

"Cause. I want to apologize"

"You didn't have to do all this" I told him as we walked up to the upper deck, then he pulled a chair out for me at the table for two.

"Yea but I kinda did" he replied shrugging after he sat down.
"You know I am really sorry" he added

"I know" I said

"No, I screwed up and you have a right to be pissed of at me"

"I'm not even mad that you kissed her, I  am more mad that you didn't explain yourself  after that happened, you just stood there, watching me crumble"

"I know but... Wait your not mad I kissed her?" He asked taken back

"Only a little" I shrugged

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