"Your the only Ten I see"

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Hey guys, as promised here's a quick update! ;)

||||||||||| "your the only Ten I see"|||||||||||

Laura's Pov:

"So what did he say?" Taylor asked eagerly once I put my phone down... My phone that died on me in the middle of my conversation with Ross

"Um not to much" I told her, which wasn't entirely a lie

"Oh come on! I know your not telling me it all! By your tone and the blush on your cheeks while you were talking to your prince I know it's way more than 'ah ah, nothing'. Come on L, tell me!" Taylor remarked mocking me

"Oh fine" I sighed giving in. "He told
Me he missed me, and that he can't forget about me, or seem to forget about us" I told her

"Wow, I'm sorry your phone died, want to use mine so you can call him back? Or I have a charger although judging by your flip phone I don't think my iPhone charger will work with that" Taylor said chuckling

"Um can I text him with your phone, just to tell him I didn't hang up on him,
My phone died but we are on our way to Nashville, to see R5"

"Yea go ahead" she said entering her pass code, then handing me her phone. "Here, you can text him although I don't have his contact info saved, happen to know his number?"

"Yea, I do" I said slightly blushing, then taking the phone, entering Ross' number in the messages area before telling him:

"hey this is Laura, Sorry about our phone conversation ending early, my phone died. I know you wanted to tell me something important but Taylor and I are on our way to Nashville to meet up with you guys.Ttyl in Tennessee, ;)"

"Thanks for letting me use your phone" I told Taylor as I pressed the lock button

"No problem, now we're almost there, just a few more hours!" She said excitedly, then she picked up her phone as it made a 'ping' sound. "Oh um it's for you" Taylor said handing me her phone

"Oh?" I said confused before realizing it was Ross responding to my message:

"Oh no worries, I'm super happy ur coming to meet up with us 🙃 maybe we can go over things and I can explain my stupidity, see ya soon! Please stay safe!

"What'd he say?"

"He wants to explain everything"


"And to stay safe, speaking of which your phone just notified me a storm warning for Tennessee"

"I think we will be ok, were almost at the place" Taylor said checking the time

"How much further?" I asked

"About an hour and a half"

"Awesome!" I said turning up the radio yet gaining a slight fear as the road ahead of us was filled with dark grey clouds

"You sure we're ok? It's storming pretty bad up ahead" I said as I opened a local forecast to see the weather report, which was a 100% chance of thunderstorms

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