Parents and Problems

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Parents and Problems

(Sorry for not updating in forever, been really busy but going to be reposting frequently hopefully)

-will edit for mistakes eventually-
Laura's Pov

"Hi mom, dad" I whispered as I walked into their room carefully

"Laura, is that you?" My mom asked

"Yea. Surprise" I said excitedly

"Honey, how are you? Oh who cares, come give me a hug!"

"I'm good" I giggled. "I've been busy with the tour, but I had to stop by real quick"

"Well I'm glad you did. As you can see, I am doing much better"

"Well that's a relief, mom. How's dad holding up?" I questioned. After all, whenever family or a loved one is at the hospital it's nerve racking, especially when your supposed to be on tour with your super hot rockstar boyfriend and his family.

"What did you say Laura dear? You have a boyfriend?" Ellen, my mom asked

"Wait? Did I say that out loud? Did I actually mention I have a boyfriend, out loud?" I giggled nervously and was confused, because I swear I said that in my head

"No, you didn't" Ellen responded...


"You said you had a 'super hot rockstar boyfriend'" my mom said mocking me.

And as if right on cue, Ross came in

"Wow, Laura, your mom's a savage!" Ross said smirking at me while going to give my mom a hug "How are you Mrs. Marano?"

"I'm doing wonderful, actually. Just waiting for my husband to get well to"

"Wait, mom is dad ok? I thought you guys would be in the same room" I interrupted

"He's getting there. Just not fast enough, and he's in a different room" my mom sighed

"Is there anything I can help you or your family with?" Ross offered

"No, but thank you. You have been a wonderful friend... I mean boyfriend to my daughter and if it has to be anyone, I'm glad it's you Ross"

"Aww, thanks Mrs. Mar-"

"Wait, how'd, I mean, why do you think Ross is my, if I have one, boyfriend?" I questioned looking down.

Wow, way to go Laura, great stuttering action

"Because, he always flirts with you and you for sure always blush when he's with you. Plus, he is the one who came here with you. Right? Oh and you did say out loud you were dating a 'super hot rockstar' so I'm assuming it must be Ross, correct?" My mom questioned, mocking me again while making sure I was dating Ross and not some other super hot rockstar....

is there even more than one super hot rockstar. Not for me at least

"Awe, you think I'm a super hot rockstar, and the only one" Ross teased

"Wait, was I Ta-"

"Talking out loud, yeah. But don't freak. I thought it was adorable" Ross replies, kissing my cheek.

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