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Hey peeps! It's super awesome that I have over a hundred views already... I thought no one would read my lame story but if anyone is still reading this you rock! Thanks.... Here ye go!

Ross Pov'

So we started driving again on the road after the concert was finished and whenever we have concerts, I'm always super pumped for a few hours after wards so to chill down Laura and I watched a movie from my lap top. She picked out the movie and when I saw what she picked I smiled, she picked "Romeo and Juliet" (one of my favorites!)

"Alright! Lets play this movie" she said while yawning

"Ok, are you sure you not tired Laur?"

"Nope, just a lil tired, no biggie" she said while shrugging her shoulders

"Ok then but be well rested cause tomorrows "date" (air quotes) is going to be a blast in Utah!"

"Cool! can't wait!" she replied then about thirty minutes later I felt a head leaning on my shoulder and she was fast asleep, oh Laura. I decided I needed rest as well so I closed my Mac and began to fall into a deep sleep.

__________page break___________

7:30am (morning)
Still Ross' Pov

It was early in the morning on the R5 tour bus and I woke up to the sound of arguing. I was about to leave when I remembered Laura fell asleep right beside me. As I was about to move my body and put a pillow there (cause her head was on my chest) because i wanted her to remain sleeping and comforted she also began to awaken, due to the noise... I hope!?!

"Good morning sleeping beauty"

"Top of the morn to ya Ross" she told me

"HEy! Laura! I called you sleeping beauty, to supposed to call me Prince Charming..."

"Nope not goin to happen" she said then rain down stairs and when I ran after her the family was all down stairs fighting over the food problem, the fact that all we have to eat is peanut butter and popcorn!

"Guys calm down!" Laura screamed! "I have a solution! we can go out to eat or... somebody can run to the store! if you want I can go! I don't care, I am hungry and fighting isn't going to solve the problem!"

Wow Laura is good at finding solutions

"Ok, I'll send one of you kids" Stormie stated

"No it's fine, I can go Stormie" Laura said

"Ok, you can go sweetie, here is one hundred dollars, buy some food, we will go out to dinner tonight but go get some breakfast please"

"No problem! I can take the car, right"
Laura asked

"Of course, thanks dear, so very much"

"No prob, again... I'm going to get dressed, brb" then she ran up stairs to get dressed

"Hey mom..." I said

"Yes ross?"

"I will go with Laura to the store to, you know to give her a hand ;)"

"Ok, if she WANTS YOU TO COME"

"Yea she will! plus I know what everybody likes"

"Ok Ross, go get changed and go"

So I went to my room, knocked on the door and told Laura I am coming with her. Then a few moments later she opened the door and told me "I don't have any clothes because if the suit case probs" so I gave her my walk the moon sweat shirt and she went in Rydel's closest to grab some black Ripped jeans worn with the brown Uggs that Rydel borrowed from her and "forgot to return back" (not really, she didn't forget ;)

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