#South Dakota

153 11 13

Hello, I finally have an update after forever! Enjoy it!

Ross Pov

So I don't know if you remember but Laura almost got kid napped so I am not taking her out of my sight...

"Hey! Lets go to Mount Rushmore!" Laura said

"Sure" I said and then the rest of the family piled in the living room to snoop in on our plans

"Where are we going" Rocky asked

"Well we, Laura and I are going to Mount Rushmore" I said

"Lets all go" Riker added

"Please mom" Delly begged

"Ok, pack up the van and we will head down there together" my mom said and everyone ran off getting ready so Laura and I were left alone.

"Sorry Laura" I told her

"No it's cool" she said

"You sure?" I asked

"Yep, better go get ready" she said

"Yea, I have a disguise for us" I told her

"What is it?"

"We will wear hoodies and sunglasses! And beanie hats" Ross said

"Ok " I said and Ross handed me his Walk the moon sweatshirt, a black beanie, and a pair of ray bands. Then he wore his Yellow hoodie and a grey beanie hat.... finally we were ready and went downstairs

"All ready kids?" My dad Mark asked

"YYep! lets go look at some presidents" Laura said

"Yea............ Wait what? Presidents?" I asked confused

"Mount Rushmore is a statue of presidents" Delly said laughing

"You stupid bro" Riker said to Ross

"That's not nice" I said defending Ross

"Thanks Laur but its fine" Ross said

Then we got in the car and played the lyric game where you can only sing it talk using lyrics:

"I wanna see you smileee!!!!" Laura screamed in my face.

"I wanna see you be brave" I said to Laura, singing the song brave

"Shut up and Dane with me" she replied

"Shut up and drive" Riker said randomly even though this was between Laura and I.

"It's almost like a found a friend who's in it till the bitter end" I said glaring at Laura because this lyric war is jus getting started!

"I don't care what you think as long as its about me!" she sang

"I see you move your lips but it sounds like gibberish" I replied

"Just beat it, beat it! beat it beat it!" Laura sang loud

"But we are alive, here in death valley!" I yelled

"Make it easy, say I never mattered" Laura sang

"You need to lower your standards, cause it's never getting any better than this" I screamed pointing to myself, cause its true!

"Oh but it is getting better" Laura said... that's right she didn't sing

"I win!!! that's not a lyric! HA!" I said

"Yep, congrats" she said sadly

"Laura! You need to lower your standards" I joked with her

"Ok kids! we are here" my mom said

Then everyone ran out of the car, going to visit the statue except Laura who lingered back so me being the good friend stayed back with her.

"Laura, what's wrong. I didn't mean to offend you in that stupid game" I said while climbing in the backseat where she was sitting

"No that's not the problem" she said

"Then what is?" I asked her

"Just that I miss my family" she said

"Yea, it would be hard" I said looking at her

"But lets go, you know, look around" she said getting up

"Sure" I said shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets when I felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out and it was Laura's wish from the Wizard of Oz trip/date. And I was going to open it but not now... later tonight...

"You coming?" Laura asked me as I stood behind amazed that I had found her wish...

"Um yea, lets go" I replied and then we looked around at Mount Rushmore and the sites, finally going into the gift shop and buying some peanut butter fudge! cause its delicious!

Then we headed back out on the bus and while Laura was talking with Delly in Delly's room, I began opening Laura's wish... But then I stopped opening the note going back and forth in my head weather or not to open the note but I decided to... I mean I found it, its destiny, and when I saw those letters, I knew it had to be about me....

I wish:
"Ross would love me back" and I can't believe it.... she loves me... according to this paper she loves me"

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