Focus and Fresh Starts

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Hey guys! I am so sorry about not updating a lot... classes have been so stressful, but the semesters over so I thought I'd give an update if any ones still out there! Lol! Enjoy!

Song: Getting over You
By: Lauv

Ross POV:

It's been a couple months since Laura and I parted ways...

Have I moved on?


I've learned some people are worth letting go of, if they themselves choose to let go too.

You're probably wondering, have we came into contact with each other since the split... like did we meet up again like some stupid unrealistic movie.

I guess it depends which you consider contact...

I'll text her, every now and then, like "merry Christmas", or "happy birthday." or just a quick response to some of her snap chats, like "congrats" when she posted all her college acceptance letters, but besides that, nope, we haven't talked....

Plus she doesn't even respond to my texts, the most she said after I congratulated her was "Thanks :) I appreciate it!" and that was it.

I tried to call her, but she's just ignoring my calls, which it's fine, if that's better for her, then so be it.

Moving on to other questions you probably have...

No, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. I tried to go on a couple dates, but nothing felt right. I'm just not looking for another commitment at the moment.

Regarding the band, my band is doing well.

I don't really know much about R5, I don't really talk to them a lot either...

But my band. Yes, I said my band, is doing well.

I tired a solo career, but I just didn't like it, so I had open auditions and found a couple other people that really work well with me and from there we began practicing, playing small shows, recording, and doing bigger shows at more exclusive clubs.

Every month, we gain more followers and fans, and I'm so Thankful for it all. 

It's really helped me through the break up, it's made me see that life does go on, and my new band mates are like my new and improved family

It's also helped with the fact that my name is rarely in the press anymore... for a while, Laura and I were the only news, and for some reason people
Loved it. But I'm glad it's over now. Living in the spotlight is hard, and I know the pressure was getting to Laura, because it sure was getting to me too.

I guess every now and then my name's in the news, like people think the bass player, Terra and I are dating, but we're just in the same band and friends.

In fact, Terra's boyfriend, Joey, is the drummer.

But you know the press, they only want gossip.

Laura's POV:

"I'm so stressed, I have so much homework due, and it's all due Monday" I complained to Raini

"You'll get it done, you always do, right? Plus it's Friday, you have all weekend. We can just go shopping next week"

"Oh my gosh! We were supposed to go prom dress shopping! How could I forget! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry"

"No, it's all good, I know your so crazy busy right now, with school and college.... and Noah"

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