Minnesota and Mistakes

195 17 5

Hey guys!!! what up my people! Here is a quick update ;) enjoy

Laura's Pov

Last night was pretty magical! I mean Ross basically said he loves me and I told him how I feel. The only thing missing was a kiss. just kidding! (partially) but I'm not really sure what we do now? Neither of us had said anything to each other. I want to try and be more than friends but I feel that it may be difficult considering we are always together on the road for the tour so we may argue a lot, although we do that now. Also, what would his family think? Would they want us dating? would my family want us dating? I'm not so sure... it's really something to think about... Am I rambling again?
(My thoughts got interrupted by knocking on the door)

"Hey Laura, I'm coming in" Ross said walking In the bedroom and climbing back into his bunk

"Ok, come in" I said sarcastically

"Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, my family is just ticking me off"

"Oh it's cool" I replied

"I was thinking we could hang out in here away from everyone, they are all so grouchy I just can't spare to spend another moment with them" he said dramatically

"Sure! Watcha wanna do?"

"we could watch movies or play video games,.. the bus is on the move right now so we can't really go any where else" he said sighing

"Lets play video games! How about Mario kart! Ryland put the old wii in this room along with a little tv so lets get driving!" I said standing up to grab controllers

"Your going down Marano!"

"Ok, sure" I replied selecting Birdo as my character and the 'dolphin dasher' as my vehicle. Then Ross picked Yoshi and picked the 'dolphin dasher' as well
"Copy much" I said to him

"No, I always pick this" be said and then we heard a knock on the door

"Come in" we said in unison

"Hey Laura!" Vanessa greeted... whoops, I forgot she was here, oops!

"Hey" I said while keeping my eyes on the TV screen to make a wise decision in picking a race track

"Wanna hang out, my plane leaves late tonight and I figured Delly, you and I could hang out, go shopping or do nails, just bind before I leave" she said walking into the room to get closer to me

"Sorry, I have plans with Ross" I said looking up at the top bunk to see him sitting there eager to play

"Oh well he could join us, the whole band could I guess" Vanessa said shrugging her shoulders

"Ehhh, I don't want to bail on Ross, I told him I would play"

"I just figured you could hang out with Ross at any time during the tour but for me I'm leaving tonight" Vanessa said sassily

"Well I'm busy! ok!" I SAid angry

"Well I thought we promised sisters before musters but I guess I was wrong" she screamed storming out. then Ross hopped off the top bunk and sat next to me

"Laura, I appreciate you keeping your word but you can go with your sister, Ill be fine." he assured me grabbing my hand

"No, I'd rather play Mario Kart! plus you said your mad at everyone else and so let me stay here to help you out" I told him

"You sure? Your sis is leaving tonight, we can always play after she leaves! just go with her, please? I think you guys should spend time together before she goes... I will always be here"

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