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Hey guys!!! Here is another chapter! Whoop whoop! enjoy ;) Thanks for 300+ views!!! Ahhhhh!!! Enjoy ;)


Laura's POV

I can't believe it was just four days ago I almost died on a giant cliff/mountain in Colorado with the Lynch family... they sure are one adventurous bunch. Today we arrive in Arizona and I am super pumped!!! There is just so much to do like see the Grand Canyon which I really really really want to go see!

"Hey! Laura! good morning to ya!" Ross said

"Hey... good morning.. guess where we are now?"

"Um... Arizona?!? why?" Ross said clueless which made me sad because I have been talking about visiting the Grand Canyon for like ever!

"Um, because they have the... actually you know what... never mind. It's stupid."

"Laur, no it's not, spit it out!"

"You see, it's just that I really want to go see the Grand Canyon. But obviously for the past week you never bothered to listen to the place I wanted to see..." I said

"Well, I have been tired Laura and you talk alot! Sorry that I don't know what you want me to do"

"I just want you to be a good friend and respect my choices and wants Ross!"

"I am a good friend Laura, I have taken you out in every single state! plus I found you when you were border line dead! I saved you frickin life! If that's not a good friend I don't know what is then." he said, then he stormed off slamming the bedroom door, leaving me standing there in shock... Thinking to myself

Man Laura! I really messed up with him! I understand he is tired, I just wish he would listen to me sometimes... ughhh!!

-----------------30 min later--------------

Ross' POV

So the bedroom door is still shut and I'm guessing Laura is pretty ticked off! I said some stupid crap to her, stuff that could have broken us apart, and I promised to her family, herself and most importantly myself I would protect her and not let her slip away.

I might as well knock on the door...
Knock Knock Knock... I slowly pounded the door with my fist..

"Go away" I heard and I knew Laura was MAD!!!

"No! I'm not going away, look Laur, I am sorry I never listen to you, often I make it about me but again, I am going to try to change, for me, for you, and for us."

Then the door opened a tiny crack so I slowly entered and sat on the bottom bunk next to her as we both just sat in silence fiddling with our hands until at the same time we both said:

"I'm sorry!" then we hugged and that's when I asked Laura a very important question...

I got down on the ground on one knee and asked her...

"Laura Marano, how would you like to go on a "date" with me to the Grand Canyon?"

"Sorry Ross, I don't know" she said which shocked me...

"Well, why not I asked flustered...?"

"Because, I'm running out of sunscreen and its almost a bajillion degrees" she said and then I started laughing

"Laur! you scared me! I thought you seriously didn't want to go at first but yea, I can make a quick stop to get you some sunscreen."

"Ok, then I'm in! let's go look at some Grand Canyon" she said and that was kind of adorkable

50 dates in 50 states (raura)Where stories live. Discover now