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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter...

Ross' Pov

So after the show we left Idaho and began to drive to Oregon. I was trying to sleep on the bus ride but I just couldn't... I couldn't stop thinking of her, especially after all the harsh words I said, I just assumed she was leaving because she didn't want to see me, and I feel that is partially the reason she left, but maybe only like 5%. Anyways, I decided to call her, I really wanted to clear things up, I had to clear things up and most of all I needed because I needed her and wanted my best friend back, and I wanted her back, as a friend, because what happened back in Idaho, the kiss, I didn't feel much, well barely anything... Anyways I should call her...

Ring ring ring

And that's when I remembered, I had Laura's phone still. So I layed back down in my bed and looked through Laura's phone just to see what types of conversations she had with others. First I clicked on Raini's

Laura: hey Rain, I need to talk to you ASAP

Raini: what's up gurl!?

Laura: well Ross invited me to go on tour with him n the band idk what to do!

Raini: how about you go! it would be fun!

Laura: yea but what about my dad! I can't leave him in his condition, he's stuck at a hospital on NYC while my mom is still forced to work, he is all alone.

Raini: well I say to do what feels right, give the fam a call, ask them, I know ur mom would be proud of this opportunity

Laura: ok, thanks ttyl

Man, her dad was sick since before the tour... I can't believe it! She didn't tell me that! Ugh

Next I opened up her texts messages from Vanessa

Vanessa: hey sis what's up, sorry I missed your call :(

Laura: it's cool I have some news to haste and I need your thoughts

V: what is it?

L: so Ross invited to join them on tour, it would help my music career but I can leave dad alone

V: ohh it's ok, I'm on a plane to NYC right now actually, I'm leaving my trip early, I think u should go

L: what about dad!

V: he would be so proud and u know he supports ur career, so go, I can tell him the news if u want

L: ok! then I think I may go! its just around the USA so I will see u in NYC in a few, send me updates on him

V: will do, send me updates on u and Ross ;)

L: ok, eww! And seriously if he gets bad I will fly down there, take a break from tour!

V: k bye, luv ya!

L: love you too! Thanks ;)

V: don't be thanking me, thank ur bf, Ross, ;)

L; he isn't my boyfriend, he is my BFF

V: yep sure!

And that's when the convo ends between the two sisters. I began to simile knowing Laura had chosen me over her sick father... key word=had because now she is gone and in NY, not Oregon, which what do you do in Oregon, especially at this rest stop, I'm so bored and right when I finished my thoughts Laura's phone rung and it the ring tone was "one last dance" by me...

I didn't know what to do so I answered...

"Hello?" I said

"Hello who is this her" voice rung

"Oh hey Laura!" I said with enthusiasm

"Oh this isn't Laura, this is Vanessa. why do you have Laura's phone anyways"

"Oh um it's a LOOOOOONG story I told" emphasizing on the long part

"Oh well can I speak to Laura"

This caught me off guard I mean what could I possibly say... I let your sister run into the wild alone in Idaho because we got in a fight! Vanessa would kill me! but then I stopped my thinking when she said

"Ross. you there! what's going on"

And that's when I decided I had to tell the truth

"Oh we'll to be honest, back in Idaho about two/three days ago, Laura and I went to hang out, we went kaiaking, the boat tipped, we were stranded at the side of the river and were stuck there over night. When we woke up, Laura and I were close to each other, and we began talking when i may have pecked her on the lips" i said that last part really quiet. "we were stranded until swimmers found us the next morning and helped us back to the path, leading to the entry way of the park then Laura told me some stuff about leaving and I thought she was leaving because of me! Not because of your father, which I am really sorry about."

"Wow! That was a long story, and did you say you guys kissed...?!?" Vanessa asked

"What?!? Well, um um..." I was startled

"So u did! Well where is She now?"

"You mean Laura. I have no idea she might be on a plane." I said

"Well please! Try and find my sister! If she's gone then my family will be upset, we already have a lot going on" Vanessa replied, through sniffles and tears and this hurt me too cause Laura is missing, and it's all my fault! But our next show isn't until three days so I will search for her until I find her.

"I will try Vanessa, I will find her and won't sing until I find her again. Rydel said she is at the airport and stuff but her stuff is still here, either Rydel is lying or has no idea to what is going on"

"Well I got to go Ross, talk to you soon"

Now is my chance to find Laura I just have a feeling in me heart she is here, somewhere... And that's when I remembered. Not to long ago for her birthday Riker bought her a fitness tracker bracelet, I wonder if she is wearing it...

"Hey riker" I yelled

"Yea, what's up Ross" he said

"You know how u got Laura that fit bit thing"

"Yea why?"

"Well she is kinda missing, Vanessa called asking for her" and then he cut me off

"Wait you talked to Vanessa! Did she say anything about me??"

"Nope, not the point, I need the device Laura uses to track her fit bit with... "

"Oh it's on her iPad, Rylands actually trying to unlock it so he can play a game!"

"Omg! Thanks bro! Your the best!"

"Alright Ross no prob, you owe me!"

"Yea yea, another time! Alright!"

Then I ran up to Ryland to tell him I needed to borrow Laura's iPad really quick on order to find her location

He handed me her IPad and I texted her from my phone to see if she knew the pass code

Text to: Vanessa Marano

"Hey Vanessa, do u know Laura's pass code 4 her iPad, I think I can find her with it"

"It's 1229. Good luck Ross ;)" she said and then I entered it and it worked

Alright, I clicked on the fitness app and to my surprise her location was available she was in... Oregon? Just like us? I thought she would have found her way to NY but I guess not...

To be continued....


Hey guys! Hoped u liked this chapter! It's going to be to continued! Sorry! I have to go!

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