It's Over in Ohio

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Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well!
Here is a new chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Remember it's a continuation off the previous one!

Song: it's not over
By: Second hand serenade

///////// It's Over In Ohio/////////

Ross Pov:


"Hopefully next time, you won't leave us" Rocky said

"Rocky" Riker huffed, "there won't be a Next time, Ross is to focused on his philosophy of 'hoes before bros' to care about his fans. Or about us. And yes, I just called Laura a hoe"

"How dare you!" I said while gritting my teeth. "You know what, I don't know why I even came here. I don't even want to be in this stupid band!" I screamed, then I turned around to see Laura peeking around the corner.

"We are done with these people, we're leaving" I said grabbing her hand, and walking out of the venue.

"Ross, please calm down. I hate to see you angry"

"They are just, ughhhhh" I yelled as I let go of her hand and was about to punch the wall, but she grabbed my fist, stopping me.

"It's not worth hurting yourself" She spoke softly. "Look at me" she said, while standing in front of me. "You need to just let it go. It's just stupid drama!"

"But the way they treated you and talked about me, about us! Then they say I'm not family and they replaced me! I mean who does that, I just can't even" I cried, ready to punch the wall, yet she grabbed my fist again, pulled my body close to hers and she pecked my lips....

(End of recap -)

"Ross. Hello? Ross?!" She said, trying to catch my attention.

"Oh, hi, what?" I said, phasing out of my day dream

"Are you ok?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you were really pissed off just a few minutes ago" she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Honestly, its fine. I'm so over them. I tried to apologize and they wouldn't take it so what more can I do? At least your here with me. Let's get out of here"

"So it's over?" She asked confused

"I mean, I guess" I said, fiddling with my fingers as we snuck out the backstage entrance. "Like I said, What more can I do?"

"Well Where are we going now?" She questioned as we walked through the parking lot.

"I got us a rental car, I'm going to drive to the location where I want to take you on our date tomorrow, it's only about an hour or two away" I smirked.

"Isn't it kinda late to be driving in an unknown area?"

"Nah, that's what the GPS on my phone is for"

"If you insist" she replied.

Then I opened the passenger door for her and she got in.

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