Meet and Greet in Michigan

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Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated for years. I am sick and bored and decided to write something.
I know so many Raura stories have meet and greets but I wanted to do one too!

Not Edited... sorry for mistakes

Ross Pov

"Hey guys! How are you?" I said as the band walked on stage and sat on the stools.

"Good" most of the crowd replied, or they screamed

"Awesome! Well today we are going to do a little Q&A, then get some Picts so if you guys have questions raise your hand and we will try to answer as many as we can" I said

"So who here has a question?" Riker asked.

Then the crowd went wild and so many people raised their hands

"How about you, the girl with the brown hair and orange shirt. First tell us your name and then tell us who your question is for" Riker stated

"Ok. Hi! I'm Riley and this is a question for anyone in the band really. Where is Rydel?" Riley asked

"Um Rydel is sick, we think she has a cold and she needed rest right now, but don't worry, she'll be at the show tonight." Ryland jumped in. "Thanks Riley, next question anyone?"

"How about you" I said pointing to a blonde girl in the back

"Hi guys! I'm Sofia and I am a HUGE FAN! My question was for you Ross... so lately I've seen in magazines and online articles, and these could be rumors, but They involve that you might start a solo career as well as move out, away from the band. First, are these rumors true and second are you moving out, and if so why?"

"Oh, that's a great question" I said gritting my teeth, hoping this wouldn't come up. "So as of now, the band is still together, we are still family and will always be family. No matter what happens in the future I will always love these people, because we're all so close, but sometimes things come and opportunities come knocking and you have to follow your heart" I stated

"So are you leaving the band or not?" Sofia asked, then everyone else in the audience became silent, waiting for my response.

"Like I said, things change. You never know what the future brings. You guys probably know I'm going to be a senior in high school this fall and I really wanna focus on that. I know you would think I'm a rockstar and don't need an education but it's more than just being a rockstar. A lot has come into my life recently and I want to enjoy my senior year because you only get one time to be a senior, unless you fail." I chuckled
"But anyways, being a musician, especially on tour is rough so yes, I may take a break from the band. I'm really not sure yet. But regardless of the band, R5 will always be a thing, we will always be bros before anything else. Sometimes, things happen for a reason and lately someone's come into my life and opened up my eyes and showed me there's more to my life than music" I stated truthfully, glancing to the wing to see Laura blushing

"Are you saying this garbage because of your stupid girlfriend? Is that the someone that opened your eyes?" A so called fan mocked

"No, because My girlfriend is not stupid, she's actually incredibly smart. Also, I make my own choices. I set my own life so instead of criticizing me on something I don't even know yet, why don't you go figure out your own future because it's people like you that make me want to quit mu-"

"Ok, next question?" Ratliff jumped in. "How about the girl in the purple, all the way to the left?"

"Yay! I'm Cindy. I have a question for Ross. How has it been with all of these rumors and the recent magazine posts? Especially the ones about your girlfriend, it has to have been hard, right? I think it'd be hard on her especially, people called her some nasty names. What's your view toward it?" She asked

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