Screaming in South Carolina

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Hey guys! Here's another update! It's a little shorter than the others...
For the music, I try to pick songs that fit the chapter. Hope you guys have been enjoying!

Also, check out my Auslly story called HideAway (An Auslly fan fiction)

Laura's Pov

The current time is 3:30 in the morning.

I can't sleep, all I keep thinking about is our fight.

I also can't sleep because my phone keeps going off, but I'm not going to bother to check it as it's probably Ross giving me demanding orders.

If your wondering, after the Cheesecake Factory, I did go back to the tour bus, but where else would I go. I booked a flight home but it doesn't take off until noon.

The only difference is that I'm in Rydel's room, because I don't want to be anywhere in sight when Ross comes home...

Speaking of which....

"Laura. Laura. We need to talk. Where are you!?!?!" He yelled in anger.

"Get in my closet" Delly whispered

"Ok" I replied getting In her closet, hiding behind her long dresses and pants that were hung up.

"Delly, have you seen Laura" Ross asked he walked into Rydel's room.

"No, why?"

"Because, I need to talk to her, duh" he said in a tone.

"Well maybe when your less of an idiot and less drunk, I'll tell her you want to talk"

"So I'm assuming she's with you? She must be in here" he smirked, looking under the bed and around the room. Where else would she be? Right!"

"Ross, get out. I'm tired and not in the mood. She's not here" Delly said annoyed.

"Fine I'll leave."

"Good" Rydel replied

"Sike" Ross yelled, then he went over to the closet and opened the door.

"Ha! Found you! Why the hell were you hiding" he screamed.

"I just wanted some sleep" I said

"In a closet! We should call you Laura the liar. Tell me, why were you hiding from me? I just want to have a talk" he said, grabbing my wrist and taking me to 'our' room.

"Laura. Want me to come with you?" Rydel asked

"It's ok" I replied back as Ross took me to our room across the hall.  "Ross, everything is fine"

"It's not. Have you seen this?" He asked, pulling up an article on his phone.

"What is that?"

"It's you!" He yelled. "It's you, with another guy! What were you thinking! Do you not care about -"

"-Ross! Listen, I wasn't cheating on you. I went to dinner and he was my -"

"- your rebound, yeah, I know. Why do you think that's ok? To cheat on me like that! And then come back here! What a skank!"

"Just calm down. Let me look at the article" I replied, pulling out my phone to look up the article, originally from TMZ. Ughhh.

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