Messages and Maybe

92 8 28

As promised, another update! Enjoy!

Song: your bed (by all time low)
///////Messages and Maybe////////
Laura's Pov:

A week has pasted by since our break up. It's been hard, but I know I need time to grow stronger.

And the only way to do that was to leave. I went away, I disconnected. I'm ignoring and avoiding social media, as well as turning on the TV for fear of seeing the stories appear on the news.

Streaks me would say I'm being baby for the way I've "disappeared", but I don't care. I'm not going to go on social media (mainly twitter or instagram) where all these devout R5 fans are probably ripping me apart.

Sometimes, the best way to defeat a problem, is by not letting it begin...  Or to ignore it.

Either way, I'm not engaging in social media or the internet. I refuse to post anything or read anything.

My phone has been blowing up though, but I've only talked to my mom, dad, Vanessa and Logan.

They've all told me the same thing, that things will get better and that they were proud of me for standing up for myself.

You know, I was really thinking about contacting Delly, but I wasn't sure if he might get try to contact me through her. And I really can't even talk, look, hear or say his name.

Eventually though, I will open up all his messages. Including the

429 unread texts

205 missed calls

32 unread emails

75 unopened snapchats

And over a million notifications in twitter from a combination of his fans, my supporters and of course him.

I can say, it was in my best interest to walk away.

When I first starting dating him and joined the tour, I felt like I finally found a place where I belonged.

I also thought I found my passion, which I really thought was music.

To be honest though, I love music, but I don't know if I could fulfill a career in it. It just gives me flashes of bad memories and pain.

Either way, I have a bright future ahead of me, but right now I want to focus on making this summer better.

Like I said, I'm trying to get over him as fast as possible.

I mean, who knew all in one day you could film a video with your boyfriend, then hours later your relationship goes into shambles.

The only good thing about this situation is that my mom is happy and healthy and temporarily came out to LA, so I've been spending lots of time with her.

She recently bought me a tiny house in a tiny home community as a gift which is so generous considering I'm not even eighteen yet and she's not the richest women.

My mom said she just figured since I'm always away, working or at school and since she primarily lives in New York, that she'd buy me my own place. So, basically, I've been decorating my tiny home.

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