Arkansas "(Ark-an-saw)"

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Hey guys! Because of the guilt I feel for not updating this book, here you go!


Ross' Pov

"So where's our next stop" I asked my mom as we sat in the living room eating breakfast and playing video games... Only Laura was sleeping upstairs

"Um I'm not sure, look at the the schedule" she said

"Ok, mine is upstairs, be right back" I said quietly going into the small bedroom on the bus and looking at the schedule posted next to the tv

"Oh, Arkansas" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Did you just say Ark-Kansas?" Laura said popping up from under the covers of her bunk

"Yea why?" I asked unaware that she was awake

"Because, it's pronounced Ar-can-saw... Not Ark-Kansas" she said giggling

"Pshhh, I knew that" 💁I said

"Sure you did" she said smiling

"Oh whatever, like you haven't pronounced things wrong before!" I said with a tad but of sarcasm

"I have" she said shrugging her shoulders

"At least you admitted it" I replied

"Well yea, we are all humans, we all make mistakes"

"It's things that you say like that that make you perfect" I told her

"I'm not perfect, in fact I'm far from it"

"Your not perfect for yourself and maybe not to others but your my definition of perfect" I replied sitting next to her

"Awe Ross, thanks, but you don't have to say all those sweet things about me" she said blushing

"But I do" I replied shrugging before leaving to return to breakfast

(Moments later)

"So what's the big plan today?" I asked my momager

"Well you have a photo shoot in an hour, then an interview in two hours, then a show, then we come back here and keep driving to the next destination" my mom replied

"Oh ok, that's a lot" I said glumly

"Yea, it comes with the job" she said picking up a newspaper.

"Alright, I'm going to find something to wear" I told my mom going back upstairs

"Oh tell Laura she is coming with us, they want her there too"

"Oh really?, ok" I said running upstairs

"Hey Laura, we have a photo shot in a. Hour" I said causally walking into my bedroom to find something to wear

"Wait! What? Who's we?"

"Us, the whole bad plus you!"

"Omg, I need my make up! And better clothes"

"You don't need to wear make up, you look perfectly fine without it"

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