Discoveries and Doubts

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Hey guys! Hope your all doing well! I'm sick af, but slowly recovering.

Song: 1000 x
By: Jarred James
Laura's Pov

"What did you tell him, dad!?!" I yelled again

"Relax sweetheart. Don't worry"

"Don't tell me not to worry." I replied, gritting my teeth.

"Laura, it's okay" my mom spoke

"Yeah, you don't need him. He's just a teenage boy, they'll be others. I know you really liked him, but it's for the best. I just don't want my son to try and commit suicide again. And I don't want you to always be upset, I don't want him to break your heart" Mark explained, trying to act like her cares.

"He won't! And I do need him! Where is he?" I said with anger.

"We told him to leave" Mark said

"Your lying. He wouldn't leave. Not without me"

"He did leave. Especially since you don't Truly want to be with him." Mark smirked

"I do love him. I love him so much. Why are you saying that? Where did he go?" I asked nervously

"I told you, he left" Mark spoke softly. "It was for the best though. Hun, he had to know your only with him because of the guilt."

"You told him that?! You told him that lie!" I screamed. "Why do you not want us to be together? Don't you want your son to be happy?" I pleaded, looking at Stormie and Mark. "And don't you want your daughter to be happy?" I asked, looking at my parents with watery eyes.

"We do" they all said at the same time.

"Then why won't you just let us be together? First off, I never meant to hurt Ross, and I don't think he ever meant to hurt me. We're both at fault, and we all make mistakes, but Ross and I got past it. I wish you would too. Because right now, the people making the biggest mistake are all of you, and we're not going to separate. You can't force us to not be with one another. This isn't Romeo and Juliet"

"Laura. I'm not saying you two can't see each other, we all just think you two are moving way to fast. I mean, the next thing you know, you'll be moving in with each other. Then maybe he'll want to marry you, which isn't bad, by you guys aren't ready. We just don't want you to do something you'll regret. You're so young. And you start school in just a few days. Your coming with us. It's time to focus on that." My mom stated

"We don't want you or Ross to burn out, because you both have such a bright future and we don't want either of you to throw your talents away" Stormie spoke

"So we can't date?" I asked, looking down.

"I just don't think it's a good idea" my mom added. "Your so busy. You have a bunch of auditions coming up, and soon you start school. I mean, you're just a senior in high school. You have the rest of your life to date and find love."

"But I already found love, I no longer need to search" I cried. "Just tell me where he went. I want to speak to him"

"Laura, listen. This is hard on all of us. But it's for the best. With Ross' music career, I'm sure he'll get up to number one and begin preforming and we don't want you to have to be there for him all the time. He'll probably get a tour, and I'm sure you'll want to go, but you'll have school and you two are just in two completely different worlds" Stormie said quietly

"I just can't believe this is really happening. You really don't want me to be happy" I whispered.

"That's not true Laura" my dad replied

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