Clubs and Cuties

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Hey guys! Here's a quick update for you all! I'm going to try and update as much as possible while I can! Enjoy!
////clubs and cuties/////

Laura's Pov

I'm so excited for tonight's date. I know I say that about every date, but truly Ross is so good at planning these things.

Plus, we have matching outfits, which I posted on insta tagging it as "Matching today in Stripes, Smiles and Sweetness... luckiest girl ♥️ @rossr5"

I just love him so much... I wonder what's in store today! All I know
Is, I'm starving

"Surprise! We're here!" Ross said with excitement.

You've got to be kidding me...

"Really?" I asked Ross as we pulled up to a night club

"Cmon! I haven't partied in like sixteen hours! This is the life of a rockstar. Plus, summer is almost over. I just want to live it up with my girlfriend" he replied, pinching my cheek

"Well I don't" I stated firmly

"Why not? Have you ever been to a party, or a club?"

"Psssh, yea. I used to go to parties, like all the time." I lied

"Your lying. How about clubs?"

"Well... no, of course I've never been to a club! I'm not twenty one and neither are you. How are we supposed to get in"

"With these" Ross replied, handing me a fake ID.

"Who's Ally Dawson?"


"Ross. I am not using a fake ID. I'm not even from the state of Florida."

"Oh, come on!" He stated like they do in the movies. "It's just for tonight. Don't you want to have fun! Come on and reach out of your comfort zone"

"I'm good." I rolled my eyes. "Plus I already go out of my way and my comfort zone for you all the time"

"Ally, I'm just saying. It's time to live. If you love me, you'll come to the the club"

"My name is Laura. And I am living."

"I'm just kidding. Gosh. Take a joke, that's the name on-"

"The name on the ID, I get it. Listen, I love you, but I'm not going to a club. I've already done so much for you, but I'm not doing -"

"Done so much for me? What have you done? I've done more for you!"

"Are you kidding me Ross!" I yelled. "Today, I filmed that stupid chapstick challenge. You really think I want the whole world watching is make out? NO! I don't! But you begged me and I caved in. Like I always do."

"So your embarrassed to be with me? That's it, huh? You don't want people knowing our relationship? And after all we've been through!"

"ROSS! I never said that! You should know I'm a shy, timid girl sometimes. I've never been in a serious relationship. I've also always been a "good girl" and want to stay that way. I follow the rules." I said with confidence.

"Follow the rules?" He mocked. "Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind me telling your parents all the things we've done so far, like how we had sex... three times so far! Because real 'good girls' would have waited!"

"Of course you'd bring that up! That's all you ever wanted. To hook up with me!"

"That's not true -"

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