She's What? And Where?

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This is a follow up from last chapter... I know, two chapters, one day! Pretty awesome! Ps they are still in Idaho
Not edited

Ross Pov

So Laura's gone, she left. After we kissed some swimmers found us and showed is back to the path, that's when I asked Laura multiple questions...

"So Laura" I asked in almost a whisper
"Where are you going since you said you need to go and leave the tour?" I said while tearing up a bit

"Well, just home" she said nothing happened, like we were not in a new environment or a new state

"Where's home Laura? Your parents are in New York now?!?!" Are you really going that far, I mean we do have the show tonight" I told her as we approach the parking lot of the park "it would be difficult to get to NYC for here" I told her in Duhh tone

"New York is home now, my parents have a pent house there." She said almost bragging, "well I have a fancy tour bus miss I'm so prefect!" I whispered under my breath but then I began to think things through and said

"So you not staying in Cali!"

"Well I was staying with my aunt Ross in Cali"u


"Well I gotta get to the air port"

"In a bathing suit Laur!"

"Yea, I need to go now, good luck on tour... I know you all will Rock it!" She said as she held back the tears and sadness

"One more question Laur..." I said kind of harsh, "why are you so emotional, you are the one who is leaving! Your the one breaking my heart Laura! I thought you were my best friend but best friends don't leave one another...!" I snapped at her as she was walking in the other direction... "If you knew you were to much of a chicken to go in tour with us you should have just stayed home and been a loser all summer because YOU were the one crying when I told you I was leaving you!"

Then she turned around and walked my way.

"No Ross, I will always be your best friend, you just wouldn't get it!!! You never would, you are so shallow! It's all about you! Think about others! Maybe I'm leaving for others reasons" and that's when she turned around and ran the other way... This is the moment I should have chased after her and begged her to stay but I didn't

I couldn't

I wouldn't.

I let her go, across the country, we won't be in New York if she is even telling me the truth and we won't
be there for months and by then, I probably won't even remember her name or her in general, I just never want to see her again!

As I was leaving the park onto a main road I found a convent store a few miles from the park path way and used a phone to call my mom, asking her to get a taxi to pick me up

When the taxi got there she (stomie) asked me where Laura was and I told her the air port, leaving for New York. I wanted to tell her why but instead I said "emergencies, I don't wanna talk about it" it took about ten minutes to get to the bus and when I walked in my family all gave me giant hugs, saying they missed me and Laura but I told them what I told my mom, "she had emergencies, had to go to NYC" then they handed me my clothes and I went to my room. As I looked on my bed I saw a piece of paper folded up. I opened it up to reveal the bet I made in the beginning with LM, I refuse to say her name, but that made me realize, our bet would be broken shortly cause I can't stand her! I wish I would have seen through her! But I just saw something else in her... Something I can't explain.

Anyways a few hours went by and I was ready to preform after I took a nice shower, to wipe HER scent off me.

As we made it to the venue someone said delivery for Ross Lynch and then I saw it... It was Laura's phone, they must have found the canoe that was rented in my name and seen the phone and thought they had to return it, they shouldn't have, cause if she would have had the phone originally she may still be here!!! Ughhh why is she on my mind! Why should I care, then I turned the phone on but it barely worked, the only thing I could make out on the tiny flip phone screen was the back ground photo, it was of me and her when she went to her first R5 concert. Then I heard someone talking to me so I turned around

"Show time Ross"
Came on the speaker and I knew that was que

I don't know why but today's performance absolutely sucked! I messed up multiple songs by either not hitting notes or messing up the strings on my guitar or just forgetting the words... What is wrong with me, I've never sucked so bad before! Finally we had only a few songs left but I had to sing a tough song after intermission named

"One last dance"

I really don't know how I am going to be able to do it. First of all, it was you know who's favorite and second of all "now I am west and she is headed east but we didn't make peace" and it's a solo basically so idk what to do!

"Wait what did you say" Rydel asked as I said that last part out loud

"Nothing Rydel, go back on stage intermission is almost over!"

"No ross! What happened between you and Laura! She left because of you and I miss her!"

"Ohh I'm sure she is still here, probably at the air port! Go her give a big hug for me" I told Rydel sarcastically

"No you should give her the hug, you were a jerk to her! She just told me every thing! I just wanted to hear your story but you don't even care her dad is dying!!!! What a jerk!"

"Me the jerk! That would be Laura" I said but then I missed something huge!

"Wait Rydel! Her dad, he is dying!!"

"Yea! He was diagnosed with cancer and he has a 50/50 chance of living, see when you got home I wasn't there because Laura asked me to bring her her luggage, then she said she would explain everything when I got there and she did"

"I had no idea!" I said softly

"Well duh, and she told me she does need you cause it's been hard but needed to concentrate on being with her family until things clear up, she didn't want anything distracting her and just needed to see her mom and dad. The tour was just getting to be to much pressure".

"Wow, I feel so fricken stupid! Ughhh I'm a jerk"

"No aren't Ross! You didn't know!"

"Come on its time for you to sing "one last dance" "

"I can't! I can't sing that it will break my heart!"

"Just sing it for Laura!"

"Alright I will! Just for Laura! could you record it and send it to her Rydel"

"Yea, now come on I will Skype it"

Rydel is Calling Laura on Skype


"Hello! " I saw her pale face o the screen

"Laura just watch this"

"Ok but why..." (Gets cut off by Ross singing )

"I have to bye Rydel "

"Wait!" She hung up! Ughh I will still record it

"Hey everyone, this song goes out to a special someone who has been through a lot! Your my best friend and I will always need you! I'm sorry! This one is for you! And your dad!"

[Ross sings one last dance for laura]

Song is done

"Thanks everyone! We love you goodnight! "

"Good show guys!" Rydel said

"Yea I'm going to talk to Laur" Ross says to Rydel

"Oh she's on the plane sleeping now, but she saw you, yep, sheeee saaaaaww you! Bro! and I think you can talk to her tomorrow Ross but she Doesn't have a phone! Darn!

"Ok, goodnight"


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