All my Exes live In #Texas

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Hey guys! here is the next chapter!!! Enjoy! ;)


Ross Pov'

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days in my life... I somehow managed to loose my best friend. At least this time she is still in this bus but she didn't even come to her bunk last night! She stayed with Rydel! Like really.... really Laura! But I say what ever...

"Good morning guys! Today we are all going on a family educational pit stop!!!!" Stormie said

Just great! By family my mom means everyone has to go... ughhh! Unless I catch an illness, hmmmm... I will try it.

"Sounds cool mom" I said while coughing and starting to blow my nose because If I'm going to be "sick" I have to act like it ;)

"Yea, but are you ok honey? You seem a little under the weather?"

"Yea, I'm fine." I said

"Ok great! Everyone go get get ready, we will be leaving in thirty minutes." My mom said but then as I was about to walk away she added something to her comment... "oh and Ross sweetie, next time you play sick try doing a better job because I know your faking."

"Maybe he's just loooooove sick" Rocky said so I hit him with a pillow

"No I'm not dude! shut up!" I yelled then walked off.

---------------(30min later)---------------

"Ok, everyone go get in the car" My mom said so everyone ran to the car and when I got in there was one seat open... and you would never guess who It was by. I had to sit by Laura or is it liar or the girl that stood ME up, I don't know, seems the same to me. Then to top it off Rydel was in the back seat with us and she kept taking up a bunch of room so Laura's arm was touching mine... talk about awkward. Finally I spoke up...

"Excuses me, could YOU (pointing at Laura) move, YOU'RE hogging all the space..." I said

"I have a name and I'm squished to, deal with it," she said with a snappy tone

"Ok, I will..." I said. Then I yelled "mom look out!" so my mom slammed on the breaks and as she did I unbuckled Laura's seat belt, sending her flying to the front of the car. (Once Ryland and I were sitting and by accident my seat belt actually came off and it was funny but not as funny as now, I wish he were here! But I took a video of it! hahaaa!

"Ow!" she yelled holding her head.

Well it was funny until I noticed she was injured...

"Oh my gosh! are you ok Laura?" everyone yelled except for me because she Doesn't care about me, so should I still care about her? Probably not!

"Yea I'm fine I think." she said.

"No your not! Your bleeding" Rydel yelled, crying.

Then Laura fainted... great! Just great!

"We need a hospital, who has a GPS? Get a phone..." Mark yelled

"Here's Ross'" Rydel said.

"Hey give it back!" I protested.

"No!" Stormie yelled.

Then we drove until we reached a stupid hospital... just great! Now we have to waste more time waiting for Laura...

-------------(20 min later)----------

Rydel's Pov

So Laura is being examined by doctors and I'm so scared! How could Ross do this... to his best friend! And
I hate waiting in this waiting room, I might as well knock some sense into that boy.

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