GoodTimes & GoodByes

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As requested, here's an update! Enjoy! Happy new year! May you all have a wonderful 2018!

Song: good times (orchestral arrangement)
By: All time low

GoodTimes & Goodbyes

Laura's Pov:

"Can I get you anything to drink?" I asked as he threw his keys on the counter and plopped on the couch

"No, I'm good, but thanks"

"Sooooo" I said awkwardly

"Laura. Cut the act. What's up?" He asked moments later

"You tell me. What's going on?"

"I already told you why I left, plus you're the one that wants to 'talk', sooooo... what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't think we should be together" I blurted out

"Okay... and why not?" He asked confused

"Well for one, all the -"

"There's more than one reason?" He asked, his voice cracking, Making me feel even worse.

"Yeah, but everyone has their flaws" I replied, sitting next to him, trying to make things better.

"Laura, I don't want to loose you" he looked at me in the eyes. "Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, and would do anything for you"

"Ross, I love you too, but this, us being together, it doesn't work. I'm so stressed right now, and you, you almost lost your life, because of me. And I can't stop thinking about that" I sighed, a few tears escaping my eyes

"Don't blame yourself for that" he replied, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"It's kind of hard not too" I looked at him

"Laura. Please, don't end this, if your stressed, just tell me. We need to be there for each other."

"That's the problem, I cant be there for you. I have school, and I've been booking jobs, and soon I'll be applying for college."

"I can come with you, wherever you decide to go to college, but we have almost over a year to worry about that"


"You don't need to be there for me Laura... at least not all the time."

"You know you can't be there for me either"

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon, don't be stupid. I know you're releasing your solo album. And once that goes out, then you're going to be back doing promo and on the road touring. And I won't be able to be go with you on tour, I have school"

"You could home school? And maybe take a year off for college to come on tour with me"

"I don't want to home school Ross, not for my senior year. And I would never take a semester or a year off"

"It's just a suggestion so that we'd have more time together. I'm trying to make this work"

"I know you want to make this work, but you know I love school. I need education. I would never make you give up music for me, so don't make me quit what I love"

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