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Hey hey! Today's state is... Idaho! I love potatoes! Lolz! Anyways, here's another chapter, I will try to update everyday :)


Ross' Pov

So it's been two days since Laura gave me that awesome surprise in Nevada which was the VIP concert from the imagine Dragons! It was so good and enjoyable to watch Laura jam out to every song.... In the future for a "date" idea maybe I should take her to a concert! That would be fun! But I also have another very adventurous date for today, because our concert is not until tomorrow.

(Ps I'm not going to put in the R5 concert thing state because for each state they do the same show, and I feel it would be to repetitive)

"Hey Laura, get ready for our next date, we are going canoeing... "

"Ohhhh, how exciting! What should I wear?"

"Just some shorts and a bikini top just that, nothing else" I told her winking and smirking

"Ok first ewww, and second you better not tip the canoe Lynch... Cause I feel like living"

"Any thing can happen Marano!" Then Laura left and I went to go to change as well...

(5 minutes later)

Laura came out lookin hot! She was wearing a black string bikini with a white tank top over the bikini and black bikini bottoms... Man I hope I'm not drooling... An yea, I am definitely tipping this canoe.... ;)

Also, is bad to call your best friend hot, because she was! She looked great!

Laura's Pov

I decided to tease Ross a little so I borrowed one of Rydel's string black bikinis and a white tank top then when downstairs to find Ross on his phone

At first when I said "hi" he didn't look at me but when I said "do I look ok"
Then he looked up at me and his jaw dropped to the floor, might as well tease him more....

"Hey Ross close your mouth, your going to catch flies"

"Yea, um yea yea" he said memorized

"Serious dude, take a picture it'll last longer" I told him but to my suprise he did!

"Ok, smile Laur" and then he took the pict on his phone! Wow Ross wow!

"Lets go babe... I mean Laur" ewww thinks are getting awkward

"Yea, lets go"

Ten minutes later the car drove us and we arrived at a park path way...

"Um Ross, where is the water?"

"Oh it's down the path" he said then grabbing my hand, but I didn't resist cause it felt kinda good, like the final of a fire works show

"See, there is the canoe".

"Oh cool lets go Rossy boy!" I said hoping in. How we were sitting was much like a couple where he sat behind me (I was in front) and sat between his legs. Since it was only us two our canoe/kaiak was small and it was bright yellow, his favorite color. We both grabbed our paddles and stated to push the boat into the current. The current was slow but it was relaxing, we didn't have to paddle very hard.

"Hey Marano, you aren't to bad at this..."

" Neither are you Lynch! " I told him!

"Wahhh, it's getting wobbly Marano, uhh oh I think we going to, going to...

50 dates in 50 states (raura)Where stories live. Discover now