you like me, huh? -1

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Draco's POV

I was walking to Transfiguration, which was one of my least favourite class. I wanted to skip the class but then I remembered that my partner was Y/N L/N. She is very beautiful and creative as she was a Ravenclaw. I never skipped the Transfiguration class after she became my partner. She helped me a lot.

I went in the classroom. No one was there yet except Y/N. She was probably doodling something on a book. Everyone started coming for the class. I went and sat next to her. She stopped her work and looked at me,

"Hi, Draco!" she greeted.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you?"

"I am good, Draco. What about you?"

"Well, I am good too," I said.

"Alright everyone settle down. We need to start the class," Professor Mcgonagall said ruining the sweet moment between Y/N and me.

After the class, everyone was leaving,

"Bye, Draco! See you at dinner," she smiled.

"Okay, see you," I said and she left.

As I was about to leave, I saw a book- thing on the desk. I picked it up and saw,

The sketch-book belongs to

I wanted to see her art works and so I opened her book and first one was of the Ravenclaw symbol.

The second one was a sketch of a peony flower. She once said that she liked that flower a lot.

The next one was of three girls from back. She may have imagined herself with Granger and the youngest Weasley, her best friends.

The fourth one was of a tree. I dont know what tree was that but she drew it beautifully.

The next one was quiet love type. One hand trying to touch the other. Maybe they were the hands of a boy and a girl.

Did she draw this thinking of that boy he likes or loves??? No, this can not happen. I like her. Maybe she also drew that boy's picture.

The next one was even more love-type than the previous one. I slammed the book close as soon I saw it. I sighed and opened the book again. I wanted to see all her works. It was of two lips ready to kiss two small red hearts were drawn below aswell.

I sighed again and flipped the page and as I saw, I was about to faint. It was a drawing of mine in my second year in Quidditch uniform.

She drew me beautifully. I mean, she drew me?? Does that mean that she likes me???

I was beaming in happiness and excitement as I flipped the page and it was again my picture again in my third year.

As I was about to flip the next page, someone burst into the room and I closed the book. She was out of breath. She looked at me and,

"I-i th-think, I le-left a book of mine," she said and breathed.

"Yeh, your sketch-book. Here you go."

She took th book from my hand. Our fingers brushed and she turned
crimson red. I asked,

"So, you like me,huh?"

"Um..pardon?" she was blushing hard.

"I saw your sketch-book. Your drawings are amazing. And you drew two pictures of mine," I said as I was taking steps closer to her. She was taking steps backward and touched the door.

"Y-yo-you saw al-all of th-them," she stuttered as I placed my hands on her cheeks. Our faces were inches apart.

"Dr-draco, wh-what are you do-"

I cut her off my smashing my lips on hers. Her lips were soft and tasted like litchis. Our lips were moving in sync. I used my one hand to caresse her face and the other was placed on her waist. She placed her hands around my neck. Then we pulled away.

"It was great," I said.

"Yeh, I think so," she became red.

"So, the feeling is mutual, right?" I asked.

"About what?"

"Having feelings for each other."

"Um..uh..yeah," she smiled.

"So, Y/N will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Yeah. I would love to."

"See you then," I said and kissed her again.

We then headed to the Great Hall for dinner. I went towards the Slytherin table and she towards the Ravenclaw one. Tomorrow is going to be one of my best days.

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