so, its true?

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Your POV

I was sitting in the Library with my best friend Daphne. I was reading my Charms essay while she was doing her Transfiguration essay. Just then Draco came in the library runnig with a book and a roll of parchment. He looked and came towards at me,

"Y/N, can you please do my Charms essay? I want to see the Quidditch match," he said handing me his book and parchment.

"Sure, I can. But why are you so excited for Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw," I asked him.

"Its not like the house. Its like Potter vs. Chang," he said excitedly and ran out for the match.

Everyone knew that Harry has a crush on Cho. They are the seekers of Gryffidor and Ravenclaw. Maybe thats why, the idiot Draco is so excited.

"So you will do his essay?" Daphne asked.

"I have to. I have no other choice. He is my good friend, after all," I replied.

"But do you even see him as a friend?" she asked again.

" dont know," I said.

"Its okay, relax," Daphne said.

Its true, Draco and me are good friends since we were five. We always have a good friendship. But from last year, I started to develop a liking for him and only Daphne knew about it.

I liked Draco a lot and he doesnt know, because I dont want to spoil our friendship. 

I am doing his homeworks everyday, making sure that he doesn’t miss his meals, staying all night in the Hospital Wing whenever he is sick, taking care of him as his mother told me. She likes me a lot. And what am I getting???Watching that slimey Parkinson drooling over him and she cursing me because Narcissa told me stay with him whenever needed.....

I completed his essay and went back to our dorm room. I took a shower and fell asleep. Daphne woke me up before dinner and we went to the Great Hall where I sat between Theodore and Daphne. Draco was sitting across me.

"Hey, Y/N! What's up?" he asked

"Great, what about you? And the match?" I asked and filled my plate.

"Thrilling but sadly, Potter won."

"Its okay. You enjoyed, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, by the way did you do my essay?"

"Yeh, its in my room. I will give you after dinner," I said and focused on the meal.

After dinner, I went to my room and took Draco's book and essay and went to the common room, where he was sitting alone.

"Here, take it," I said hand him his stuffs.

"Come to my room," he said quietly.

"What? I mean why?"

"Just come."

"Sure. I dont have a choice."

I followed him and went to his room. He didnt have to share it with anyone.  He gestured me to sit on his bed. I sat and he closed the door. I was feeling shy as well scared. Did he come to know that I like him? Or he ir tell me something else.  He came and sat beside me. Our bodies were very close and he put his hand on mine abd came closer,

"So, its true?" he asked looking in my eyes.

"What is tr-true?" I asked quietly.

"The feeling."

"W-wh-what fe-feeling ?"

"Which is mutual," he said. His face was inches closer than mine.

"I cant-"

He cut me off by pressing his soft, pink lips on mine. My eyes widen and my heart started racing. He pulled away.  "See, the feeling is mutual," he said with a proud smile.

" know.. I mean you like me as well?" I asked blushing.

"I overhead you and Greengrass."

"Oh! I wanted to tell you but thought that you may not have the same feeling and our friendship may spoil," I said as he leaned in.

"Yeah, Y/N I like you. I really do," he said and kissed me again. This time with more passion.

"Um..erm..will you stay here tonight, please?" he asked quietly.

"Like I said, I dont have a choice," I said and laid beside him.

"Good night, Draco," I said.

"Good night, beautiful."

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