passion walk to power walk

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Draco's POV

"Where did she come from?"

"I heard she was locked up in Azkaban."

"What did she do?"

"Heard she slept with half of the school?"

"Is it true that she used to date Cedric Diggory?"

"Oh to be her!"

"Woah where can I get those shoes?"

I scoff as girls keep whispering. "Hey who's this chick people keep talking about?" I ask Blaise.

"You don't know?" I shake my head. "She's new this year and pretty hot if I do say so myself." He replies. I look around and see a girl making her way down the hall.

She's actually walking normally like everyone else, but the fact that everyone was looking at her, it seemed as thought her head was high and strutting.

As her robe flew backwards, it revealed black boots hugging her legs up to her knees.

"Damn, so a true bad ass, aye?" Blaised grinned

I don't know what came over me but I felt the need to try harder. I don't want her getting all the attention when she's literally done nothing. I've done something. I've existed! I've blessed all these shitheads with my presence!

It's on, new girl. I'll be the talk of this goddamn school!


I have the same potions class as her. Today she walked in late and Professor Snape didn't care. He just told her to sit next to me in the empty seat. Empty because everyone's scared to sit next to me. Soon she will be, too.

"Okay so once you find the right page, you can start making the potion with your partner." Snape mumbles.

Shit... I'm paired with new girl.

I'll show her what an amazing potion maker I am! Blow her mind with my skill!

"Alright so you know what to do?" Her soft voice asks.

"Yeah of course." I scoff.

"Really? Because Draco we have to be on the same page... literally you're on the wrong page."
She chuckled. I look down to her book and instantly flip to the right page.

"Wait... how do you know my name?" I question as I land on the right recipe.

"Are you kidding? You're the only name I've heard around this school." She laughs, not making eye contact, rather cutting up the ingredients.

"R-really?" So I'm still talk of the school. Guess I gotta make sure that keeps up.

"Yeah. Well you and Mr. Potter." She smiles warmly.

That's when I notice that everything she's done just now, I've liked. Her soft voice, cute laugh and warm smile.

All the guys say she's hot but I say she's gorgeous.

But some part of me tells me to still try be better than her. Ignore my stupid little crush on her.


She walks in high black boots,
I walk in black combat boots.

She has shiny hair,
I have a shine in my hair.

She smiles making the guys drool,
I smirk making the girls drool.

She walks with passion,
I walk with power.

It's been a month and all I've seen Y/N as is competition.

Right now, I see her being stopped by a group of girls and guys. The guys all visibly eye her like she's some piece of meat. The girls are all smiling and laughing with her. I walk past and instantly catch the girls' attention. I wink at them and they all instantly stop.

Y/N looks around and sees me and glares at me. I just wink at her too but she doesn't do anything.

I smile as everyone goes to their next class and I decide to just ditch it. I walk down the empty hall but am surprised when someone grabs my collar.

My mind instantly thinks it's a teacher telling me off for wagging or being late. But as I look around, I'm taken back when I'm met with a glaring Y/N. She throws me back but I regain my balance and stand up straight.

"What's wrong with you?" She glares daggers.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I smirk.

"Why are you always trying to be better than me? What did I do?!" Her voice raises.

"Woah calm down, princess. It's not my fault that I'm just so damn sexy and everyone loves me." I laugh.

"Oh my Merlin, Draco! Is that all you want?! More fame? To be popular?" I smile at her response and shrug. "Fine, Malfoy, if that's what you want I'll just leave!"

My smiles fades at her new response. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"I was planning on it anyway." Her voice goes quiet and squeaky.

"Planning on what? Leaving Hogwarts?"

"Leaving Hogwarts. Leaving everything." She's now whispering.

"Leaving everything? What do you mean by that?" I ask, stepping closer.

"Draco I don't want to be here or anywhere." She sighs.

"You mean... are you gonna... end your life or something?" My words wobble a little.

"Maybe Draco. But I don't need your sympathy." She starts walking off but I grab her arm.

"Wait why?!"

"Because I don't want to be here! All I am is some fake friend to girls and a sex toy for guys! I don't have a home and there are so many rumours going around about me!" I cry out. "I'm known as a slut because so many guys claim they've fucked me! I'm a fucking virgin but they don't give a shit!" Tears well up in her eyes and mine widen.

"Y/N... I had no idea..."

"Yeah no one does." She shakes her arm out of my grip but I grip it again and pull her in for a hug. She stiffens up but eventually calms down and let her tears fall out. She sobs into my shoulder and makes my shirt wet.

Once she's calmed down a little, I pull away and wipe away her remaining tears. "Y/N, if guys are saying that about you, then I'll make sure that they realise you're mine."

"W-what do you mean?" Her voice is still croaky.

I respond to her question by slowly kissing her. My lips move calmly against hers. She returns it immediately. I hug her body closer my mine as she wraps her arms loosely around my neck.


People give us questioning looks as we walk hand in hand down the hall. I'm wearing my regular black shoes, flattened my hair back down and don't even look at girls. Too busy holding my prize that no one else can get their hand on. And this time,

She walked with power,
While I walked with passion.

𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘  _↱DRACO MALFOYDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora