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A cold hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you in an empty classroom. He was leaning over you as your back hit the wall. His hot mint breathe fanning your face, lips almost brushing...

You wake up with a start and look around to see yourself in your dorm. By looking outside you guessed that it was midnight. You took a gulp of water and laid on the bed again. In the morning, when you woke up, you remembered your dream and blushed. You get up and freshened up. You get ready in your robes and run to the Great Hall for breakfast. You sat down in the table beside Blaise and fill your plate with some waffles.

"How are you, Y/N?" Blaise asked.

"I am good, Blaise. And you?"

"Good too. You have Potions first?"

"No, Charms," you sighed and finished your food.

You noticed Draco looking at you as you talked and ate with Blaise. I will try to stay away from him today...

You take your books and wlk to Charms classroom and bumo with someone causing your books to fall. You pick them up and see Draco in front of you.

"Dreaming of me again, Y/N?" he smirked.

"In your dreams, Malfoy..." you said and ran to the classroom.


"Running away from me again, Y/N?" his whispers in your ear made you shiver.

"I.. I am... not running... from you, Dr-Draco..."

"Then why are you ignoring me for the oast few weeks?"

"I... I didnt want... to,"

"You look cute when you stutter. I love it," he whispered against your lips as his brushes yours.

"Draco..." you whispered as he leaned in, your lips touching his. You closed your eyes as you could feel something cold touching your lips slightly....

"Will you just bloody kiss me?" you yell and sit up from your bed. You realise it was already morning and Daphne was combing her hair while looking at you, shocked.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Daphne said, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah.... yes, I am alright. Just a dream," you smiled awkwardly.

"Alright then. Get up and gget ready," she said and went to do her own business.

You sighed and got uo from the bed. You took a shower and started getting ready for the day. Your mind was still in those dreams that you had from the ast few weeks, about Draco, his closeness, his lips...on yours. How badly you wanted that to happen but everytime you had to wakeup messing all up. You frowned and walked out to the Great Hall.

After breakfast, you attened the classes and worse, your partner, Anthony, in Divination was absent and with great luck, Draco had become your partner, also for the rest of the year. You tried hard to concentrate in the class, but his presence made you ponder about the dreams only.

"Y/N.... Earth to Y/N," Draco snapped his fingers in front of you, causing you to look at him.

"What?" you ask, sheepishly.

"Dreaming about me, again?"

"You wish."

"We are doing palm reading," he said, grinning. "Give me your hand."

"I am not interested in these stuffs."

"Dont you want to pass in your O.W.Ls?"

"Ugh! Sure, here," you say extending your hand towarss him, "Read."

"Hmm," he said running his index finger along the lines of your hand, you shivered.

"What do you see?" you ask.

"Seems like someone is very eager," Draco grinned.

"Quite grinning and tell me?"

"Alright. Your lines run along your palm straight to your ring finger.... It means your life will be filled with love and passion."

"Are these even true?" you ask, blushing.

"Of course, they are," Draco said.

"Oh! Let me see yours," you say and took his hand in yours. "Okay, so your lines appear from the middle and run to the end of your index... Meaning your are very passionate."

"Well, I am very passionate," Draco grinned.

"I didnt want to know," you said, looking away to hide your red face.

"Alright students, class dismissed!"
you hear and almost run away from the class. You enter the library to do some Potions studying. While taking out your quill, you found a piece of parchment. You open it up and some nice scribbled were there,

Meet me after dinner.. Outside the Castle.. Beside the big tree –D.M.

You smile looking at the note and scrunch it up and keep in your satchel. You wondered, blushing, why he must have wanted you to meet him.


At dinner, you sat between Daphne and Blaise, while eating you noticed Draco looking at you frequent times. After sometimes, he got up and wlked out of the Hall. You excused yourself and walked out as well. You put up the hood, over your head, of your robes and wlked out of the Castle and to the big tree. You saw Draco standing there, his back leaning against the tree.

"Draco," you cleared your throat.

"Y/N, I am glad you came... I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah sure. What do you want to say?" you ask and walk over to him. You stood in front of him. There were a few centimetres between you two.

"I love you..." the words left his lips as they were laced with love and a... doubt.

"Are you unsure of it? Cuz, I feel a doubt.."

"Not at all. I have always been in love with you since second year,"

"Really!" you gasped.

"And I never told you as I thought what you might think..."

You walked up, tiptoeing and pressed his lips with his. A million dreams came true of kissing him, being close to him. He hold you by your waist as you tucked his platinum-blonde hair, deepening the kiss.

"I love you too, Draco," you say while kissing him and could feel him smile against your lips. You pull away and both of you break into a fit of giggles.

"Lets go back now before anyone catches us nd give us detention.."

"Yeah, lets go!" he said and locked your fingers with his as you two walked inside.

Hey ya all... Yeah I am alive and I am sorry that I am posting it so late. It was supposed to be updated weeks ago but my exams started and I barely got the chance to come here. So yeah I will try to update more and that will be soon. Till then stay good, love and appreciate....

𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘  _↱DRACO MALFOYWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt