dont call me Claudia

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You are Claudia Y/ N Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks' younger sister. Like her you dont like your first name, Claudia. So you tell everyone your name is Y/N. But only one person doesnt listen and calls you Claudia.

Draco's POV

I was walking down the empty hallways lost in my thought about
Y/N. Suddenly I heard some sounds from the other side. It was about 11 at night. I thought to go have a look and as a Prefect, it is my duty to check. I followed the sound and saw two girl figures talking-yelling. I hid behind a pillar and saw closely. It was Y/N and Parkinson.

"You better stay away from my Drakie," Parkinson screeched.

'My Drakie,' I thought and clenched my hand in anger.

"I am not interested in you or your Drakie. Got it?" Y/N yelled back.

"You are a snake. Just like your mother," Parkinson said which made Y/N's hair red in anger, "Being a pure-blood, she married a muggle-born. She was a disgrace to the Slytherins."

This couldn’t control Y/N and she punched Parkinson straight on her nose. I was taken aback seeing Y/N's spirit.
"Parkinson, say whatever you wanna say to me but dont say about my family. I will-"

"What will you do? Hex me? You are a little Hufflepuff. You cant do anything to me. You take this, Flumu-"

"Expelliarmus," I shout as Parkinson's wand come in my hand. She looked at me, and came towards me.

"Drakie, you came at the right time. I was teaching her a lesson. She is a trash, right?" she screeched.

"Parkinson, just get lost from here."

"What Drakie?"

"Just get out and dont call me Drakie. Get lost."

She went away stomping. I turned around to see Y/N broken down in tears. She was sitting leaning against a pillar, hughing her knees. I walked to her and sat in front. She didnt look at me. I wiped away her tears and hold her chin to make her look up.

Her eyes changed to e/c from red and her hair turned to green from red.

"What do you want, Draco?" she asked. "Go away. I dont want to talk."

"I will not go away. You are my friend, Y/N. I will not leave you," I said and she instantly hugged me crying on my shoulders.

"Am I really a trash, Draco? Is my Mum really a disgrace? Why everyone behaves like this with me?"

"You are not a trash. Your Mum is not a disgrace," I said rubbing her back up and down to calm her, "everyone is jealous of you, because you are unique, Claudia."

"Dont call me Claudia," she said as her hair turned into red again.

"You cant change me. I have always called you that."

"Really," she raised her brow, "You call me that whenever you want to mess with me."

"But now I am calling you that to cheer you up," I said and she chuckled. "Now calm down. I will escort you to your common room."

"Thanks Draco."

After we came to her common room. I let go off her hand as I had entwined my fingers with her. She looked at me.

"Thanks again, Draco," she said.

"Anytime, Claudia," I said earning  a playful punch from her, "I mean Y/N."

"Good night, Draco."

"Good night, Y/N. By the way, wanna go to Hogsmeade tomorrow with me?" I asked.

"Sure. I would love to," she replied.

"Okay. Then see you." I said and she walked in the common room.
I turned and walked back to my common room.

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