little notes

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Your POV

  I was sitting in the Great Hall between Daphne and Blaise, my two best friends. We were eating and talking about random stuffs. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Goyle. I looked up to him and he handed a piece of parchment and said

"It is not from me."

"Alright, thanks by the way," I said as he was still standing.

"You want to take it back with the answer, right?" 


  I opened the parchment and something was scribbled on it neatly. I  go through the scribbling.

Will you go to Hogsmead with me tomorrow ??
   A. yes
  B. obviously yes
C. Definitely yes, why not?

I look upward to see who may have sent it and I instantly noticed Malfoy looking at me. I got it that the note  was from  him. I decide to  freak him out. I take out my quill and scribb my answer down. I fold the parchment and give it back to Goyle. I look at Malfoy again. He was still staring at me keeping his smirk intact and I just pass a smile towards him and concentrate back to my plate.

Draco's POV

  Goyle comes back and handa me the parchment. I open it and see,

Will you go to Hogsmead with me tomorrow ??
A. yes
B. obviously yes
C. Definitely yes, why not?

    Answer : D

I look back at her amd see that she is smirking at me. For a thought, I flio the parchment and see that she has scribbled something,

D. Yessss

With that I look back at her and see her eating. I get up from my seat and walk towards her.

"So you wanted to freak me out, huh?" I asked.

"Obviously yes," she replied.

"See you tomorrow at Hogsmead," I said. 


𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 _↱DRACO MALFOY حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن