rose garden -1

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Y/N Weasley was devastated. She had a secret, no one knew except her mother, Ginny and Hermione and just a few hours ago she lost her brother and many friends and family. She was holding Remus' son, Teddy as her eyes watered.
She felt sad that Teddy wont have parents, growing up. He had Harry still she felt like crying. She was sad as Remus lost his life while shielding her from an attack. If not for Remus, she would have been dead. She cried rubbing her belly. Two lives would have been lost.

One month has passed, since the war ended.
One month, she lost many people.
One month, Harry defeated Voldemort.

After a month of that event, she didn't really left the burrow, except the friday nights after dinner.

She would say that she needed fresh air, or want to walk in the garden.

Her brothers became a bit suspicious as she never behaved like this before. Y/N was not anyone who would go for a walk or even stay out.

"I think she is hiding something from us," George whispered.

"Dont you think, we should ask her?" Ron piped in.

"No, she will never tell. What if we follow her?"

"We will see where she goes," Haery suggestively said.

"Let's wait then. Tomorrow is Friday."

next day...

After finishing dinner, Y/N went to her room, and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and sneakily walked outside the burrow.

"Mum, I am going for a walk," she yelled and walked in the garden. She looked around and apparated to a rose garden near the Malfoy Manor.

George, Ron and Harry who were following her, apparated along with her. Their eyes widen as they saw their sister with Draco.

George was taken a back while Ron fumed. Harry had a confused look.

"What are they talking about?" Ron asked.

"Lets go near them and hide" George whispered as they slowly walked and hid behind a bush.

"Y/N, love, I told you not to come at this time."

"But Draco, I missed you. I wanted to see you."

"I missed you too," Draco kissed her and then crouched down to face her belly.

"How is my little Y/N doing?" Draco caressed her belly and kissed it.

The three men looking at them secretly gasped.

"She is pregnant?"

"Draco is the father?"

"Calm down guys!" George whispered.

"Draco, why do you think, it will be a girl?"

"I have a gut feeling, love. And I even planned a name."

"Stay away, Malfoy. Or else I will change your name," Ron jumped from the bushes and ran towards them as Harry and George came from behind.

Both Y/N and Draco's eyes widen.

"Ron..." Y/N trailed of.

"Y/N, from when this is going on? Does mum know?"

"Mrs. Weasley knows everything," Draco said.

"I didnt ask you," Ron glared.

"Ron. I am dating Draco since sixth year. And only during Bill's wedding, I got to know that I was expecting," Y/N breathed.

"Only Mum, Hermione, Ginny and Mrs. Malfoy knows about this. Draco has been a good partner. Trust me. He was the one who helped me escape when Bellatrix captured us," Y/N said as tears forming in her eyes.

"Y/N, I am really sorry. I shouldn't have behaved like this. You are my sister after all."

"You could have told us," George put his head on her head.

"I tried but I was also scared."

"Its alright, Y/N/N," Ron side-hugged his sister and then looked at Draco, "I am sorry. I judged you badly. Thank you for being with my sister."

"Its completely fine, Ron. And I am lucky to have her in my life."

"So we are becoming uncles then." George said as Harry grinned.

"Yes you are," Y/N smiled.

"When are you two getting married then?"

"Uh.. Whenever Y/N wants," Draco said.

Y/H hugged Draco as she would leave for the burrow now.

"Y/N, love. Everything is fine. We can meet anytime we want now," Draco said kissing her forehead.

"Come on then, Draco. Stay the night in the burrow."

"Uh yeah sure."
with that the five apparated back at the burrow. Draco was welcomed by a motherly hug by Molly.

He walked up in Y/N's room and laid beside her, putting his arm around her belly as he caressed it. Y/N was fast asleep. Draco listened to her heart beats as he kissed her forehead.

"Good night love."

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