40- The Birth

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*5-1/2 months later*

"EMERY GREY HUDSON, GET YOUR ASS UP HERE NOW!" I screamed, I stared at the water running down my legs.

It's time, he's coming. I was already freaking out.

I heard someone come up the stairs but who entered the room was not Grey.

"He's not here. What's wrong?" Jaycee asked looking at me worriedly.

I whipped my head up to him so fast almost giving myself whiplash.

"What the fuck do you mean he isn't here? Where the fuck is he Jaycee, I'M HAVING THE BABY!! Where the fuck is he!" I cried and seethed at him at the same time.

"Oh shit, oh shit, what do I need to grab?" He asked

Tears were running down my face as I tried to breathe.

"The hospital bag is by the door," I told him and started to walk to the door.

He grabbed it.

"INDIANNA!" He screamed downstairs, as he walked to me and helped me the best he could while carrying the hospital bag.

She came running upstairs and upon seeing me she immediately was by my side and helped me as well.

Then Kali showed up and Ace.

"Ace call Grey and tell him better meet us at the hospital, Kali get the car ready" Jaycee ordered.

They did as told as Jaycee and Indie helped me downstairs.

I stopped midway as a contraction ripped through my body.

"Oh fuck!" I cried in pain.

"Breath Em, breath" Indie coaxed me gently.

I breathed through the contraction and after a few minutes, we continued walking.

We made it downstairs and to the car.

I was helped in and Jaycee started speeding to the hospital.

"Kali, can you call my mother and Grace, I want them both there!" I said and gritted as another contraction came through.

"Fuck" I cried again, indie was holding my hand and I squeezed it as I breathed through the pain.

"Hold on little man, please, I am not having you in this car" I cried gently.

A few minutes go by and I loosened my grip on Indie's hand.

"Grace and your mother are on their way," Kali stated

"Ace, What about Grey?" I asked

"He hasn't answered me." He said

"What? Where is he? That is not like him." I said

"Where is my phone?" I asked

Jaycee handed it to me.

I quickly searched for Grey's contact and called him.

He didn't answer.

What the fuck.

I called again.

He didn't answer.

"What the fuck!" I said aloud.

I didn't have time to be too angry as another contraction ripped through me.

I groaned through this one they were getting more painful by the minute.

"We're literally about to pull in, Tatum, just hold on" Jaycee calmly spoke.

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