•15• The Y.T.

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Waking up the next morning I felt absolutely refreshed I didn't have any nightmares and slept through the whole night.

I'm only disappointed that I couldn't cuddle Grey all night, but I mean we're not a thing I am, however really surprised he even let me cuddle with him.
But I'm not complaining.

I do think some feelings are starting to rise though.

Is it possible for me to like him and be with a guy like him?

I guess we'll just have to see.

Who knows if he even likes me he could have just been super nice.

What guy pulls you into his lap to cuddle if they don't like you?

One who just wants to get into your pants and will act just to do that and hurt you.

I don't think he's like that at all.

So make up your mind dummy

Shut up Sarah leave me alone.

And you say he's hopeless

I sigh as I get up out of bed and grab some clothes from my bag to wear.

I had picked out Nike leggings with a gray T-shirt and that's it after getting dressed I put on my black slip-on Converse and went to the bathroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and then brushed through my straight blonde hair and decided that I was done. I stood there for a minute though as I looked at the marks on my neck, do I try and hide them? I mean I think know's what happened it's clear as day.

 I decided not to there was not much else I could do anyway.

I grabbed the phone I was borrowing from Dylan and headed downstairs.

I smiled at everybody and sat on a stool.

"Well you seem happy today" Ace commented.

I smiled and blushed slightly when I glanced at Grey.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked

"No nightmares I feel refreshed, thank you" I answered softly.

"Good," he said, and if any of them noticed my neck, no one commented on it.

"So boys I'm taking her into the city today if you want to join drive you're own car," Grey said and set some breakfast in front of me.

"Drink?" He asked

"Uh, just water for now, but on the way to the city can we stop somewhere to get iced coffee?" I asked


I smiled and happily ate my breakfast which was French toast and bacon.

It was so good I swear his mom taught him well.

Just as I finished the phone rang.

"Hey, Dylan how is your dad?" I answer seeing his name on the screen.

"He's doing better he'll be in the hospital for a couple more days but should come home after and rest then go back to work. So where are you at and who are you with?" He asked

"That's good at least, um I'm with Grey, Ace, and Jaycee we were about to head into the city"

"Oh okay be careful stay safe okay, whenever you get back home let me know Tyler and I want to hang out!"

"I will and okay sure I'll see you later"

"Alright love you bam bam"

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