Finding The Kid Part 2

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Hongjoong's View

"What?" I ask "You heard me which one is stronger?" Seonghwa says "Because whichever one is stronger that means it's the answer your heart is giving you" "Going after him" Seonghwa gets up and holds out his hand. "Then let's go to our kid Joongie and do what we can" I took hold of Seonghwa's hand and was pulled up. "You and I in a way are his magic superiors since he's both light and darkness also you and I are his parents there's an even greater chance that you and I will find a solution to his problem and if not then the least we can do is like you said to be there in his corner because even though some people may or may not like what is happening to him at least he knows that his parents will be there for him" I gently held onto Seonghwa's hand "Do you know where?" "I wish I did," I say "I have ideas but I don't know" "It can't hurt to try them all" "You think so" "I do," Seonghwa says "Because you won't be alone I'll be with you especially since you're not letting go of me" "I don't want to" "Then don't I'm just saying I don't see us moving part from each other unless some greater force appears or if the gods move us apart" "Oh gosh I forgot they do that" "But they can't separate love" "You're damm right" Seonghwa and I were laughing "Just like how you and I are safe together Chinghae will be safe knowing that his family will be together with you" "Yeah you're right my first idea was his shrine" "Then you and I are going the wrong way for that one," Seonghwa says laughing 

"Oh gosh" There were signs of fire some of the weeds were brunt and there were wrappers around. "He was...." "Here and he also enjoyed the snacks which means" "He really is afraid he'll hurt the people who know and love him" "Exactly" "So maybe he left a trail," I say "A burnt trail of things I mean" Seonghwa giggles and tosses the wrapper away "What's next?" "You're probably going to think it's not logical" "Honie just say it" "Red Steam" "Ordering his favorite drink which is the coal blitz with extra cookie crumbs two pumps of raspberry" Seonghwa says "That's a genius Hon" "I didn't..." "Comfort food" "Ohhhhhh yeah" Seonghwa laughs "To Red Steam we go!"

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