The Kid's Back Home

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Hongjoong's View

"So this new form of Fire can absorb your anger and rage but also your madness emotions" "Yes" "But your anger emotion wants to have that power all to themselves which is why they're trying to control this form of yours" "Yes" "And anger is your second darkness emotions which is why you were able to do so much damage to the city but you were able to kinda return to normal" "Kinda for how long I don't know but for some reason I feel kinda weak" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Like I can sense all my magic and stuff but I just feel weak" Now I was next to Seonghwa. "You're probably overdue for a meal," I say "Which means the energy you once had is gone now and is making you slower than you were before this new form" "Yeah that would make sense" "Austin how long have you been here?" "Porbally a few days" "Now wonder you're weak" Seonghwa and I looked at each other with a smile. "Glad you're back Hon" Seonghwa says The sound of a door opening followed by a scream was heard and then a bright flash. I opened my eyes and looked around then looked at the door it was opened but nothing was there. "Lucifer? Austin?" My phone was ringing and the picture I had for Seonghwa appeared. "Hello" "Joongie" "Yeah" "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm in Mingi's and Wooyoung's room" "No you sit all you've been living off was pocky and fruit snacks actual mealtime for everyone else as well you guys sit down San grab a towel and..." I ended the call and laughed as I walked downstairs. 

"So can the screaming person raise their hand?" Seonghwa asks "More like hands" "What?" Wooyoung and San raised their hands both blushing "What happened?" "I'm not proud of it," San says "Neither am I," Wooyoung says "You're going to think this is crazy" "You're living with two demon royals," Seonghwa says "What's crazier than that?" "A wall burping out a person and saying yummy time is over" San was now laughing "So the spirit is a prankster," Seonghwa said "Good to know" "What?" "All you guys need to really know is that Chinghae will be okay now," Seonghwa says "I'm going to help him handle his newfound elemental form" "Whoahh" "Oh Fire yeah I should've seen that coming" Wooyoung says "Don't turn on the tv" Yeosang says The eight of us were now laughing 

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