Finding The Kid Part 3

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Seonghwa's View

"Lucie" I sat down and Hongjoong sat in front of me "Oh gosh and you're crying too" "You're right why is being a parent so complex" "Talk to me I'll try to listen or try to help" "I'm trying not to listen to these thoughts" "And I can see Red Steam can you stay here?" "You have your wallet?" "Yeah, and yours" I laughed as he showed them both "But I should be buying you" "You just came back from the dead" Hongjoong said "And you're a girl who's crying so husband card for today I'll be back!" I laughed he is really a cheesy nerd. "Joongie?!" "Yeah um, I think it's best we move on" "What happened?" "Broken glass and was then replaced with a wooden door" "Oh gosh that doesn't help at all" "The workers helped they said before he went back on his range he ordered a coal blitz with extra cookie crumbs and two pumps of raspberry just like you said" "So he's trying to control it but is  failing and thus it randomly takes control of his body" "That's scary the only time something, like has happened, was when your anger emotion took control of you since it was...your second darkest emotion wait that it's" "Um?" "Chinghae's probably got a new form that is associated with fire and since it's a higher form of fire that means it can absorb or link to any of Chinghae's darkness emotion and cause it to..." "Fuel up which would give that mention enough power to take control of Chinghae's body Joongie nice job!" "Oh you're happy" "Yeah because now we may have an idea of how we can help our kid" "Uber for...King Hongjoong and QUeen Juila?!" "Hello" "Hi there" 

We reached our destination and waved goodbye to the Uber driver. "How much did you tip him" "Gave him $100 dollars" "Smart man no offense but what is so special about this  place and why is it connected to our kid?" 

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