So What's The Tea Bestie?

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Day 2 Of Lucifer Being Back and So What's The Tea Bestie(this chapter) are on the same date this is in Great Hoen Kiyris's View or rather Alexiories

"Opening the doors for  The King and Queen" "It's a unity party" Seonghwa says "Joongie we do this every year why is this year different" "Because I'm the third strongest evil being of our world" Hongjoong says "You're only 5% evil because my magic is flowing through your body" Seonghwa says  "Yeah but I'm your husband so they must belive that means you can control my body and enhance it with more evil enegery" Hongjoong says  "No you're good I'm bad that's how it's supposed to be it's been that way for so many years" Seonghwa says  "Either way Lucifer we can't go further into planing until they see the actual proof from our magical supeiors" Hongjoong says "But we're hosting it in your kingdom and you've told people multiple times if they get out of hand they were either getting their hammy-hams popped by you or you were going to crush them with your power" Seonghwa says "Either way they need the proof" "It's not fair" Seonghwa says pouting  "I know Luice" Hongjoong says "But there's not much we can do" Hongjoong places the folder in front of Soylla "We delivered it to The Great Hoens" "Fine" "How about you and I go see Noaryu?" Seonghwa looks at Hongjoong then Seonghwa's eyes widened

"Oh gosh he's working at my animal cafe the precious bean but also the poor precious bean he's so confused as to why an elephant with wings and teeth like a tiger keeps tossing him around," Seonghwa says  Hongjoong laughs "Oh no that means Toyeriyu trusts Noaryu," Hongjoong says "That isn't bad," Seonghwa says "Lucifer that means Toyeriyu upon seeing Noaryu is going to keep tossing Noaryu around" "Oh no that's not good our precious bean is barely learning his magic," Seonghwa says "Has he met them?" Hongjoong asks Seonghwa looking at confused. "Who Joongie" "I'm not going to name all of them" Seonghwa laughs "The snake kids" "Yes Lucifer and you need to wear your glasses you know what Dr.Jyris has told you" "You've been with me for six hours Joongie" "Yeah well I didn't crack down on it too much while we're with the others but I don't want to take that chance anymore" "Whoa" Seonghwa eyes there were red with black stars in them. "Um? I'm wearing my glasses but you keep looking at me" Seonghwa says "Your eyes are red with black stars" "Wait black" "Yeah" "Not blue" "Nope black" "Oh no" "What" "Chinghae's wearing my celestial spookuiolrs necklace" Seonghwa says "I've gotta find him he's got too much power wearing that" "What does it do" "A lot of crazy evil shit" "Lucie!" "I have to get it back!" Hongjoong turns to us waves goodbye then runs out of the room. "Lucifer wait up!" "So what's the tea Bestie?" "Ami!" Crystal says  Jack and Katie were the first who started dying of laughter. 

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