A New Truth Is Revealed Part 2

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The Crimsonwave Unit and A New Truth Is Revealed are all part of the same day which would be November 11, 2042

Hongjoong's View

Seonghwa held onto Ryusoari's hands and looked at them. "These are deep scars that won't go away even as The God of Life and Death I'm not able to heal them but I can prevent them from causing you burning pain" Ryusoari's arms glowed blue for a slight second then Seonghwa sighed. "As for controlling your powers of blood manipulation and controlling your emotions, I can do that as both your senior in Seryia and as your mother" "What?!" "James when you're done talking to Austin let me know so that we can handle adopting all the boys and girls" "Of course Lucifer" "Back to the castle for now boys time to see which ones of you are slackers and which ones of you are fighters" "Bye Appa, Bye Big Bro" "What I'm the big bro" "Seonghwa all the boys and the girls" "We've got two little sisters one is five and the other is two" "Awww" "But let me warn you it's Nelaouia you've gotta worry about" Tazerhieri says "If Sonic The Hedgehog was a small female yeah that is what Nelaouia is" We all laughed "Bye Appa, Bye Big Bro"

"Whoa whoa what just happened" The tears that ran down the face and the glowing ring of blue on the left hand. "Lucie" "Hey it's okay" "No it's not I hurt you but all this time of finding out who messed with my kingdom it was you but not really you was it?" "Honie I told you it's not safe for you to be near me this demon day that is coming up it's something I can revert and I don't wanna hurt you either but I know I'll be forced to Fate and Destnity won't let this one go" "But you want me to stay away from you" "Because you'll be the person I hurt the most" "Why you and I are a couple now our rivalry thing doesn't even exist" "No it does" "How owww" "Dad!" Seonghwa wiped his tears with his claws. His eyes were half red half brown with daggers in them and five of his tails were visible. "If I have to kill you before Horikon Day so be it maybe it will help you always to remember I'll be forever the person who can see you weak" "Lucie!" Seonghwa vanshied everyone looked at me I sighed and touched my hair. What was going to happen these few days I guess we'll find out as kingdom.

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