Something 18+ Happened

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Hongjoong's View

I opened my eyes and looked at an unfamiliar ceiling. "What the..." "Joongie what's wrong?" I turned to look to the left side of me Seonghwa was there. "Lucifer? Ahh, my head" "Yeah there goes the hangover" "What we got drunk?" "No just you," Seonghwa says "I saw a post on Instagram your friends drew on your face while you were asleep and tagged you but they also tagged the location they were at" "Oh gosh" "My magic levels were too low so paid for a hotel" "Oh no wonder the ceiling wasn't familiar can we go home" "I have a better idea" 

"I feel relaxed what did you place into this bath" "It's a bath therapy thing I got for free from a magical bath and beauty store" "Are you going to join me?" "I'm not the one suffering from a hangover" "Yeah but you're using your stuff on me" "It was free" "Lucie just experience it so that way when you go back to that said magic shop you can get like a full set or something" "Now you're sounding like yourself alright so this thing also cures hangovers" "What why did you tell me to get into the tub" "To make you smell less like a drunken fool" "Wow" "I'm serious" "No wow to your body" He was now blushing "This isn't the first time you know" "I know but I guess I'm taking time to actually look at it" "This was a bad idea" I laughed "You're pretty though Seonghwa" "Shut up you chessy nerd of a husband" "I mean it you are" "Thanks" "I'm not trying to be cheesy" "Shut up" "You are a girl it's cute but also you're fargile as well" "Not in in here the purpose of this bath was to lessen the smell of achol" "Well what's say we go use that bed" "Now you're the one whose's dirty" "So are you I can see your thoughts" "They were like that earlier yours is just now showing and it's...Joongie wait we should at least clean the bathroom eek Joongie wait" 

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