A Lead To Chinghae Part 2

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Seonghwa's View

I turned to look behind me James looked at me confused then he smiled. "You're afraid aren't you?" "Yeah" "The side that wanted to guide Austin is still stronger I take it" "Yeah" "Then it's your fear as a mother getting to you" "Yeah I know I should leave him be but how can I leave him alone knowing that he's suffering from the powers that we gave him that I gave him" "You saw something else didn't you?"

Hongjoong's View

He sat down and sighed "Lucie" I sat beside him and reached out but then stopped. I turned away and sighed. "Um?" He held onto my hand but the crystal clear tears that ran down his face. I don't even know if I could say anything or if I should say anything at all. "Lucie?" "Yeah" "I'm here with you" "I know you are and I thank you but I think I was overdue for cryfest" "Don't bottle up your emotions it only will harm you later on" Seonghwa sat up and sighed "It's a trail!" "Where?" Seonghwa laughs "I mean it's a trail that is not visible" "So..." "Fuck this my brain hurts" Seonghwa walks "Lucifer can you at least tell me you're going so I can..." I started laughing "Shut up" "No I'm laughing becuase now I realize what you meant," I said laughing "His footpath" "What happened" "It's visible on the map" "Linked to the heart" "What?" Seonghwa says looking at me "Your tablet is linked to everyone's heart" "Yeah" "So maybe all you need is to link your heart to Mingi's heart may...." "Joongie you're a genuis! Thank you!" "Wait where you going?" It was the room Mingi shares with Wooyoung I looked around then gasped. "Joongie?" I held Seonghwa's hand walked towards Mingi's cloest. "Whoah" "You see it now?" "Yeah I can" "What were you about to do" "I was going to kinda try some magic words" I held onto Seonghwa's hand higher "If I get knocked out I want you to go forth with your idea and find our son" 

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