Towards The Kid We Go Part 1

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A Lead To Chinghae is the start of a new day which is October 15, 2042

Hongjoong's View

"So many hallways," I say "How do we know" "Stay true to the heart" "Um?" Seonghwa smiled "Stay true to the heart and think only of our son" "I see" "Our magic is still visible but so long as we have good insnetions to use to find our son the spirit guarding the door won't do anything" "Except guide us?" "What do you mean?" "The spirit has been protecting Mingi's safe haven so that means it would at some point maybe give us clues if we continue our good intentions" "Ooooh like a quest" "And you call me the nerd" "Well you are just a music nerd" "What does that make you?" "A history nerd of magic and demons," Seonghwa says "So now Austin is just in a part of this place" "So we really are following our heart" "Seems that but like I said as long as we don't make the spirit angry it won't block us off or kick us out" "Which means we could magic" "Yeah but we shouldn't use it so reckless so what do we remember about Austin magicwise" "That he is strongly fire but his air magic is his close second" "So he really did take after both of us like how The Great Hoens said" Seonghwa says "Well I think this just might be easier" "How so?" Seonghwa held onto my hand and closed his eyes now I was confused. "Um Lucie I'm not following" "You should close your eyes and find the wind the wind will carry a sound and that sound could either be Mingi or maybe the sound of his footsteps" "What the heck that can happen" "Wind is moving all around this place so I would think so"

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