Good Deeds=Hard Work Scars

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Chinghae's View October 19, 2042

"He's warm Lucifer" "So was Jowoon but Jowoon told me it was because last night when he was hanging out with his friends from high school he wasn't wearing a jacket so I gave me flu medicine" "I think he's overworking himself" "Oh my gosh his arms" "Is he trying to prove something to someone" "It's not that is for sure but oh gosh it's all over his arms" "What should I do?" "Here" "I've seen this before it was smaller" "My bag," Mom says "See" "That's where I saw it!" Mom starts to laugh "Dr.Jyris created this herself it's worked for me that means it will work for Chinghae" "Made for demons who are overachievers or who are too prideful to learn from their mistakes damm but I don't think Chinghae is either of those" "Did you read the smaller one" "For younger demons who are studying too hard there goes Chinghae" "Moma" "Oh gosh sore throat to0 here place some cough drops by your what did you say James" "Austin" "Yeah" "Big Bro" "Hey" "You heard us" "I feel comfortable" "You're on the couch" "Oh no wonder" "Whappened to you?" "It's as you said studying hard" "Yeah but those rashes look like they came from drawing and doing things that require you to move both your arm and hand" "I've kinda been doing things for the elderly people helping they collect recyclables reaching in tall places they can't get to and also I pulled cart of about twenty people in it" "So you're being a town hero" "Yes it hurts my heart seeing people who don't the power or strength to get their daily things done so I wanted to do what I could sure I can solve their problems but at least I can give them hope in their lives changing" "Oh Austin" My parents hugged me gently "I wish I could you but I'm sick" Jowoon says "It's okay Little Bro"

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