Helped A Demon Part 2

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I don't see why I got lectured I did my job in helping my wife it's not like I was turning myself into an evil being. How the heck was I suppose to know that Seonghwa and that death walker were going to go on a killing spree? Alrams blared then stooped. "What's going on?" "She's here" "Who?" "Lucie" Loionia says showing her tablet "She must be trying to break out James" "So where is she now?" "We don't really know" "Why..." "It's not  that we're not strong enough and our tech is weak it's just because Lucie's King Of Ghosts" "Did you people really forget that?" "Silly little fools"" What?" A star appeared underneath me "I've already won the game" 

It was an living room of an unfamiliar place but there were photos of my kids and of me. "Won the game all without actually being there" I turned around Seonghwa stood there eating popcorn from a giant bowl her eyes were red with hearts in them. "I don't know why they jailed you beside all I did was help Isyu kill lower ranked demons that didn't know their place" Seonghwa says walking away "And since Isyu is one of my main nine death walkers of course he wanted to kill people but prideful like me he didn't wanna admit he wanted help so I was at lost until you helped me Hongjoong" "So I should've been locked up" "No because you didn't give me the idea of killing" Seonghwa says "You just helped me use my brain" "Seonghwa I should be locked up" "No" "How?" Seonghwa turned around and smiled "Because all you did was help your wife think of how to help a death walker  and also you're still The King Of Good helping people no matter who they are is in your nature" Damm she got me there Seonghwa laughed. "But you know what's even funnier" "What" "Those fools were tricked by Loionia" "What" "Loionia is now part of my kingdom" "What?" "Loionia's power is now something to be afraid fo for now Loionia is The Black Rose" "Oh shit" "She'll be feared by many but she'll need guidance so..." Seonghwa looks at me I looked back at her. "As The King of Good do I have your permission to train  Loionia in the dark arts" "Why are you asking me?" "Loionia was born in your kingdom" "I see well then as King Of The Light Kingdom I grant you permission to train Loionia in the darks arts" "Oh no" Loria says laughing "What" She showed me her phone I laughed "I strongly dislike you Little Demon" "Love you too my favorite light being to annoy"

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