The Crimsonwave Unit Part 3

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Hongjoong's View

"You're supposed to be on my side" "Somehow needs to keep you from dying besides I made a promise to Ryusuoari" "I knew it you..." "No offense but Enshijo gets into less trouble than you," Ryusoari says  "Hey!" "They all laughed "I'm offended," Ceperith said "You should be embarrassed," Tazerisheri said "Our little brother is the one stopping you from doing crazy stuff" "No one gets hurt when I do it!" "Anything can happen,"  Taerisheri says "Or rather things could've happened if Enshijo wasn't watching after you" "We're getting off-topic people Your Ledge sorry"  I started laughing "Hongjoong" "Oh my gosh they remind me of Chinghae, and his brothers I love it my heart wait you guys were guarding me why?"

 "We...actually...Chiyo-Senpai why did you tell us to protect Lord Denyorith?" "I had my speculations and visions about whether or not they were a darkness mage trying to sneak into Hongjoong's castle to steal information to try killing Hongjoong so in order to prove to myself that I was just simply letting my fears and doubts I had told Soari and his brothers to watch over not only you but also The Great Hoens but my fears and doubts were right but it was only just our son right here" "Ahhh Moma please" "You've been setting off darkness alrams on my tablet and when I it was you sneaking around your father's castle and stealing his stuff I had to ban you" "Is that why I can't use my demon magic?!" "That is exactly why" "Moma!" "No more stealing from your father you may be The Prince of Thieves but you can't go around stealing from your own parents you're past that stage mister and you're an older brother to Jowoon" "Little Foot hey!" We all looked Jowoon was holding a blue jar that had stars on it with cookie crumbs on his face. I started laughing "Telyuie pay up" 

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