Finding The Kid Part 6

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Hongjoong's View

"Lucifer" There was no response I looked at my phone time was counting up and Lucifer's name was next to it. "Lucie" "Uh?" "You're okay?" "Joongie are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay still haven't found our kid" "Our kid?" Oh no, not Emtioslypes of all the times now. "There are videos or signs of Chinghae struggling with his powers" "Oh gosh we have to find him he shouldn't suffer alone" "I know which is why we're here Lucie are you surrounded by flowers" "Yeah but this feels like a couch that was decorated with flowers" "You're human now so I need you to remain there a higher up of yours created it for you to keep you safe" "And what about you Joongie?" "I'm in the place searching for our son because if he's here then I wanted him to know that he can lean on his parents" "Which would make sense we're always going to be in his corner but if he's having magic problems you and I should help him isn't he a mixture of us both" "You mean light magic and dark magic" "Yeah" "You're right he is but I don't know if Chingae is The Black Rose or not" "The Black Rose?" "It's a light being who is able to manipulate darkness" "Whoahh" "Yeah they would have a rose tattoo on them and the tattoo is a black rose with red petals and arrows" "Sounds familiar" "How so?" "I have seen it on someone I know but my memory is a bit fuzzy" "Don't strain your brain because whomever they are they would've found you and me to ask for help and advice" "You're right about..." "Lucifer?!" I looked at my phone the call ended oh creak I used my magic to teleportal to where Seonghwa was.

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