After The Party Part 3

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Eden's View

"Something happened," San says "And they won't tell us anything" "Let them be," Wooyoung says "They're probably just stressed out from being royals but they've got each other" Umi and I looked. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were still outside holding onto each other. "San is right," Umi says "Something did happen and it seems to be taking a toll on the both of them" 

Hongjoong's View

"Lucie" "Yeah" "I don't wanna move" "Neither do I" "I don't wanna let go of you either" "Same here you shouldn't be alone" "And neither should you" "It was scarier for you" "No it must've been for you," I say "I placed my necklace on you and told you that I would find you that had to have been scary" "I was worried about you when you said that to me I thought that means you were going to die grabbing this item for The Great Hoens" "Oh gosh Lucie I didn't even..." "I know it was your fears and doubts getting the best of you but like I told you last night you and I are in our kingdom things will be alright"

Jori's View

"Eden, Umi what can you tell me?" I asked Seonghwa and Hongjoong were sitting outside the company holding hands. "From what we gathered from the boys Hongjoong was told by his superiors of magic that he had to go to a party to steal an item Seonghwa was invited to this party by a female royal of the kingdom Hongjoong found said item but it wasn't easy getting it so out of fear he placed his necklace around Seonghwa told her that he would find her again" "Oh my" "What else happened I do not know but they've been together ever since they have gotten back from their schedule" "Wait so this party happened last night and then here we are next day and they're  in trauma over it after their idol schedule" "Yes" "Why didn't the boys tell anyone" "I guess they thought Seonghwa and Hongjoong would be okay or they wanted Seonghwa and Hongjoong to handle it their own" "Yeah no that makes sense but still" 

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