A Lead To Chinghae Part 3

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Seonghwa's View

"Joongie?" "Yeah" "You're okay" "How I clearly was knocked out" "Maybe you should try to be gentle actually stay true to your heart" He looked at me confused "The door sensed the good in you but since it was strong it took as you trying to trick it" "What the heck?!" "Yeah" "Now I'm glad I married my best friend" He was now standing up and moved his blue hair out of his eyes. "Lucie we should go with your idea" "My idea?" "You said to be gentle but also true to your heart so maybe what you and I have to do is say the words but also prove to the door we only plan to help our son" "Yeah" "So what were you going to say" "Heart to heart Light to Darkness I only wish to be the shoulder my son can lean on" The door opened I gasped and looked at Hongjoong. "Go on" "But..." "I'll have to stabilize my emotions you go the door recognize the goodness in you" "But you're..." "You too" "What" "You too" "Eh?" "The door is a spirit," I say

Hongjoong's View

"The door is a spirit," Seonghwa says "It must've believed in you" "Staying true to the heart" "Well" Seonghwa holds onto my hand gently "Now that you and I won't be separated two is better than one which means as long as we have the good intentions of helping our son nothing of bad should happen" "To us or to Ateez" "Right before you know it they'll return to the dorms but even I know them all they want is for Austin to be okay" "No offense to Beyonce and Jayz but I think that coolest celebrity couple award should've been you guys" "Can I ask you something spirit?" "Yes" "Is there a way you can protect  Ateez" "Joongie" "Austin made his safe place in the dorms which means that..." "Someone is after harming him and anyone that stand in their way" "Acatcly" "You have my word but I think you two already do enough of a good job" "How so?" Seonghwa asks "I wasn't able to be around him when he first broke down" At this point, I held onto Seonghwa's hand tigther "While that may be true the barriers of light and darkness are still around this land and this house so you've always been around him"

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